Show WE MAKE YOUR OLD RADIO SING LIKE NEW satisfactory service you are always assured of sat is factory radio tadio repair service at minimum cost when you let us do the work whether it is a minor repair of a maior major overhaul we use the utmost care let us service your radio whenever it needs attention guaranteed philco service all makes and models repaired as ROYS 0 y I 1 S radio service 24 WEST VINE car saving service when you read of the toll tall which auto accidents take it is well to take inventory of your car s condition drive it in and let us take care of your cars car s needs thoroughly conscientious ly and economically we would rather help you keep your car in top condition than to rebuild it after its wrecked drive in today PROMPT WRECKER SERVICE night phone ra TELE TOOELE VALLEY CARACE GARAGE allan cochrane prop N MAIN rear phone war surplus S SALE A L E toggle switches raincoats boots new and used boots jungle hammocks snow packs lanterns canteens and mess kits wood panels folding steel cots tarps all sizes miles equipment N main tooele thoele ut phone 50 J USUALLY hy BECAUSE OES OF OP I 1 NT ITCH CALE j OR I 1 ROSIN people have been saying lor for over sixty years benjamin moore co makes good paint this paint is the best that more than half a century of paint manufacturing has taught us how to make outside paint sa 3 95 and 5 10 gal RADIO ELECTRIC AND HARDWARE CO 14 N main phone tooele thoele utah hon ups amm h e Us for appliance repair service prompt E efficient f f i c 1 e n t repair S service e r v i c e your re sure to enjoy top notch efficiency from every electrical appliance you own if you 11 call us promptly for needed repairs or adjust ments we assure you of a job that will keep your appliances running smoothly over a longer period of time and of prompt economical service phone home appliance and service co 38 west vine street e ua A T V 71 RL I 1 S L S ba BOYS YS winter anter jackets q all wool melton jacket cossac style zipper front heavy weight ALL WOOL PLAID JACKETS zipper front cossac style jungle cloth jackets flannel lined leather trimmed and zipper WEATHER PROOF poplin jackets mohair lined zipper and hood to match finger tip length B BOYS 0 Y S corduroy pants CORDUROY for boys very durable sizes 4 to 10 B BOYS 0 Y S tweed pants variety of patterns in tweeds only BOYS broadcloth pajamas middy style roomy fast colors 8 BOYS flannel shirts beautiful plaids winter weight GROWING girls anklets 50 wool attractive colors will wear better and look better anklets now anklets now seeing is believing MENS kv wt shit shirts plaids solid colors and checks excellent for school 2049 School Shirts dress or sport styles variety of patterns to GROWING eirls V Ms sweaters colors to suit you short or long sleeves ALL WOOL S now white sweat anklets for girls adv 55 BOYS school shoe will wear well GROWING MS As U words 3 white brown black or saddle styles childrens pat leather T STRAP SUPPERS SLIPPERS calfskin oxfords brown gro cord soles A ACROBAT C R 0 B A T oxfords very good looking and will wear better IV widths BCD B C D compare them and see what you save corduroy arants for men and boys the kind you like mens boys BOYS HEAVY school sox every color you want made of durable cotton sizes 7 to |