Show NEWS RE REVIEW VIE W rioting RC R C ah A h 0 flares in india 0 br british it ish get gea stern rule JN independence DEPENDENCE india riots during the two days before fate ful india became a land of free men more than died in a bloody orgy of violence and rioting tn in the huge northern province of punjab lahore the capital was the cen ter of the disturbance but fierce fighting also took place throughout the west and east punjab country side wide sections of lahore were aflame this took place on the eve of in dia s independence day just before the indian constituent assembly sat down to function as a tree free govern ing body cause of the rioting incited as always by terrorists was the bit ter disagreement arising out of the partitioning of india into two sepa rate zones one for hindus the other for moslems in new delhi deihl the independence day ceremonial program began with two minutes of silence for those who died in the fight for tree free dom dorn which was finally achieved through amicable negotiations with the british IRON HAND britannia ruled it well may be true that britons never never never shall be slaves as the anthem has it but in view of prime minister clement attlee s new emergency action div ing the government stem powers over british industry and labor many in the islands are now bar har boring serious doubts about that the emergency bill bm which win ston churchill charged invoked such restraints as the government has never before imposed except in time of war has been passed by both houses of parliament and now for better or worse is law of the land designed to bring britain out of her deadly economic slump the bill empowers the government to corn com mand labor and ind industry tr y to do und practically anything and every thing if it is in the national in terest rallying cry of the british con serva tives led by churchill is dictatorship anthony E eden en I 1 for mer foreign secretary e got into the fight by bi asking that parliament cut short a planned va cation so the members can be on hand to exam me the measures which the government will or eden der the house cannot be an absent spectator while the govern ment does a split over the ever wid ening abyss said eden also a member of the conservative party COOP CO OP INQUIRY tivo questions although the public Is not too well informed about it one of the most important and fiercely waged do bestic post war battles is that being fought between private busl bust ness and cooperative enterprises crux of the feud is the fact that cooperatives are tax exempt while private business Is not from this evolve two basic questions I 1 what effect does tax ex emption have upon growth of the cooperatives 2 Is exemption tax a factor of discrimination against vate business A house small business cittee has begun an attempt to find the answers with an investigation of the cooperative community en ter prise at greenbelt md in the greenbelt case business groups have charged that the government has aided the cooperative in keep ing private business out of the de area ibis this hearing as well as others on the west coast is being conducted by rep B walter Bl ehlman rep N Y as acting chairman or of the the subcommittee in view of the theory that taxes will remain high compared with the past for at least 50 years ac cording to economists the tax exemption feature of co ops aps exist ence will grow increasingly imbor tant RED SAUCERS soviets curious those flying disks were fun while they lasted but by this tune time every body has practically forgotten them well almost everybody latest report having to do with the aerial chinaware is that soviet agents in the united states have been ordered to solve the mystery of the disks presupposing the re port to be true it moans at least that the saucers were not of rus sian stan origin soviet espionage agents here are said to have been advised that the kremlin believes the flying saucers might have some connection with army experiments on methods of knocking out enemy radar |