Show field fielda stream by VERNON W SHIELDS I 1 just received a letter from the wyoming fish and game depart ment requesting me to contact the tooele thoele yacht and salvage club and instruct them to cease using jackson lake as a submarine base it seems the state of wyom ng has a law which makes it a mis demeanor to use any under ser vice craft for angi ng purposes the newly formed tooele thoele yacht and salvage club is composed of the following members orville jones tony hervat leroy bowen eddy gillette herbert and tom steel and one other member I 1 do not recall but I 1 believe he is the deep sea diver who locates the hulk of the submerged vessel ad miral orville jones advises me that in the future they will try to keep their vessels floating on the sur face he says further that al though their club has been in ex istance a very short time they have already made a startling con trib ution to science upon launch ing a boat it is imperative that you put the plug in the drain I 1 am sure that we can expect a great deal from this club in the near future if any of you have any problems concerning boating I 1 am sure that any of these fel lows would be more than glad to assist you I 1 bel eve they did catch some fish they were trapped under the boat when it sank SAGE HENS mr roy garrard county game warden reports that the sage hens in tooele thoele county are really stag ing a come back this has been due to the fact that more land has been turned into game pre serves and carrying fire arms in these areas has been strictly for bidden at the rate that they are increasing at the present time we may someday have another open season our last open season on hens in tooele thoele county was in 1929 or in 1930 the areas where these sage hens are is being wat ched very carefully so dont any of you guys get any ideas OPENS DOVE SEASON mourning dove hunting the first upland bird shooting in idaho this season will begin at noon septem ber I 1 the fish and game depart ment announced today the season lasts through september 10 there are indications that mour ning or turtle doves are as clenti ful as usual in most of the 26 counties that will be open to hunt mg ing the birds nest in idaho in large numbers and begin migrating south with the first fall freeze most of them are likely to be gone by the middle of september bag and possession limit is 10 hunters are cautioned to ob serve the opening time on oil the f day as well as the daily shoot ing hours thereafter accord ng to a state regulation adopted this year hunting of any upland game bird will begin at 12 00 0 clock noon of the first day federal reg ions governing mourning doves as a migratory bird specify that the shooting period on each day after september I 1 shall be one half hour before sunrise until sun set counties in which mourning doves may be shot include ada adams blame blaine butte boise cam is casie cassie custer except big lost river kame game preserve clearwater elmore gem good ng idaho jer ome latah lemhi leahi lewis lincoln Mini minidoka doka nez perce owyhee owahee pay ette twin falls valley and wash ington counties A federal stamp is not required for hunting doves why doesn t utah have a dove hunting seasons because officials of the utah fish and game depart ment feel that too many pheasants would be killed there is some log ic in this belief but evidently ida ho doesn t have any trouble it seems a shame that we here in utah should raise and fatten the mourning doves for the sportsmen of arizona and other states I 1 think we should have an open season on doves if there were enough who agree with me I 1 be lieve we could get busy and do something about it THIS WESTERN PUBLIC LANDS RUCKUS it has been announced that the barrett sub committee of the house committee on public lands will begin hearings august 27 to investigate administration of graz ing lands by th the e U S forest ser vice I 1 have been that some of the hearings may be concerned with other matters than national forest grazing the sportsmen of this county as well as those who cons der themselves first as conver had better get interest ed and informed and into the scrap otherwise we stand to lose some of the nations best remain ing outdoor recreation all types of outdoor recreation so closely as socia ted with the west are in evolved the soil water and forests which is the foundation of all our outdoor recreation is gravely en dangerud dang ered I 1 want to urge that the sports men of this county be represented at these hearings or that y you OU make known your thoughts as to the proper use and adminis tra tion of the national forest by in means e ans of a letter or statement for official record this is a serious matter fellows we better wake up to this fact the hearing for utah is scheduled for september 8 in salt lake city I 1 advise that both the wildlife federation and the utah sports men s association should have rep in attendance at this hearing if we don dont t have some representatives we are going to be sorry we must squelch this up surge of legislation and yammer ing to weaken federal control and to give the public lands to the ranchers for practically nothing an acre |