Show centennial book of tooele thoele county history announced A history of tooele thoele county to be off the press by tooele thoele coun ty s centennial sept 2 1949 is announced by the tooele thoele county daughters of utah pioneers plans were made at a recent meeting of the D U P and the history corn cittee under the d of myri myrl H porter county president are starting now to gather auth antic history of the entire county many valuable pictures and pio neer histories are now on file with the organization and will be used the committee invites anyone hav ing interesting articles on tooele thoele history to submit it to mrs por ter pictures of pioneer schools public buildings and others of in terest in the pioneer life and de of the county are being sought advance sais of the book will be made to finance its publication extensive rese research arch work has been done gone and will continue in pre paring the book which will be a valuable and worthwhile souvenir of tooele thoele county s centennial year |