Show donkey Base baseball Sall coming comin g AN TVA the followers of the national past time baseball are to be treat ed to a display and exhibition of the game such as they have never witnessed before when the too ele softball association brings donkey baseball here tuesday september 2nd at 7 30 p in jack moores original donkey ball co from roseburg oregon is bringing eleven of these stubborn beasts here and members of the local ball teams will choose up s des and attempt to play a game of ball to those fans who have never witnessed this never to be forgot ten melodrama here Is how the game is played first rule there is no such thing as a strikeout or a walk for the batter what happens when a bat ter has three strikes on him come out and see for yourself second rule the batter bats the ball while standing on his own two feet and both the pitcher and the catcher are planted firmly on terra firma but neither are permitted to field the ball after smacking the ball the batter must their mount his convoy the mule and ride to f base well maybe third rule the infielders and the outfielders are mounted on the burro s and must ride not run walk or crawl to where the ball has been hit he ile can then dis mount but must climb aboard be fore he can throw the ball oh brother perhaps the members of the bit and spur club would be more adept at playing this game A half hour program will proceed the game and keith allred and A E mcarthur promise those attend ing that the show to be put on is well worth the price of admission for the adults and for the kiddies the proceeds of this sidesplitting comedy will be turned over to the softball association and will be used for the better ment merit and advancement of soft ball here in tooele thoele for a real evening of humer ous entertainment dont miss this spectacle |