Show WHEN WILL IT END TIc Male Attorney CalW I The Ilrfcme la the Cronin Jtfr Crnin Case BUT HAD TO HE OBJECTED TESTIFY 1pWfBiic or IHidithcrla In lUnar Jot nut of Ileicigo In Chili fly T l grit o the N Ews1 111 IICXIXS eennEr tonsuceUer Iu Ibe Mnr uniry ltltiaeon Ito ChlhctGo cot JT onyto CICWO for tIre defnlltllt In Itrote nn nlbl tl Irr rtrum thl3 tile rcnho ease CI tuonilug CrnIn Jits te Thomas Whalen who beeps liou e forOSullIvanand her sbtir Kate McCormiCk WIlD pent the night of the murder i ullian8 house corroborated the vidcnce of former witnesses that Sullivan was In the house all theme the-me that night They were awake ntil I oclock In the morning nnd ht was fctlll there Jlrs VhaIcn aid she was present when Clancy of the 2fev York ld uanleil OSuIIlvnu to go lull see Croniui body OSullhan refused because lie did not know Clancy but said him lie Would g If 1 policeman asled JlaltDaniby taloon keeper testified testi-fied tint Martin Jliirke was In lilt Kiloon from 7 to 10 oclock in the LMnlnc May Hh On crust exam ex-am iiiat ion the fact was developed that the witness is n number of Gamp lintiii admitted 1 be bad boon ruppl ing liurkcfl mel to lilmand that be visited Winnipeg some time I ago for the purpose of looking sg prposo around lie denied ever having sent money to Burke at Winnipeg drilled be etcr called Cronin a spy or other opproblous rpilhtts aii 011ro01s nitted hu was treasurer of the doners defense fund and active IN RAISING MONEY V F Coughlin saloon keeper iIJIOt t jorrolxjrateil Danlhyij testimony about Burke beIng In the latter saloon that night At the afternoon session John OJIalley cleric iu IheXorth Tow isscssors one corroborated Dani lips ciJcnce as to Burke James Oman 1 big contractor and member or Camp y o told ot the meeting of February Sth when a commltteu was appointed ap-pointed to investigate the nl fluent that I report of tlie BullJlo trial committee bad IKWII made tb commltl tolI prematurely pre-maturely public in Crunlns camp Witness bald after the resolution was adopted the flIntier was rceon sillcr and referred to Dltnct ort or-t Siellruan KxCougretsman John F Fin mrty said be was a number of Camp 20 lie bad never bcanl of theinner circle iu It Several other witnesses were examined in regard to the Inner circle but It none of tliem knew 3113 thing about Ittll State Attorney Longnccker wa then called ass wituetsiu behalf I of defendant Beggs He objected but after I brief anniment the court ordered the examination to proceed The fctate Attorney raid he hat heard Beggs testimony Iwfore the rorouer jury aud bad tubseijuent ly cauftil Beggs t brought before thegrand jury When Mr Footer asked him if lie had examined Irk Ir-k befuni the grand Jury Mr Mill of the couusel for tll State I objected In reply to the query ol Slit court a to what be meant by tills lou of eximinntlon VUSTIJI SAID I meanttoliowtliatltcggs volun tartly told the State Attorneywhen a wltues before the grand Jury about tills Cronin eorrcspoudence and the action of Camp 20 ill this Dater I propose to show the Slot propse Information coma from Beggs to lJIg Longneeker of the matter referred nCer a Spellmiri and further through iilef of Police llubbord presented to tho State pnnt 8111e A Attorney the come wndcnce In hIs own behalf 1 further ofler to prove that after tliat examination and in pursuance of what Beggs suited under oath Shell man was subpoenaed a a witues before the grand Jury and interrogated interro-gated and furnished the letters Hoggs had written hiuilii pursuance of a voluntary statement J ToluntrJ of Bepgs to lionguecker of the matter which he State Attorney knew nothing about The Cur said that Foster wa entitled tD get tint before the jury but lie wait r easy lie hit not askei uu atate Attorney I be was not tilling to admit that nc before L Ing put on the stand The examlua 11011 then proceeded Beggs lull lit State Attorney of the corn wndenco between defendant and pellman 1 lt in pursuance of lint nformation tlio State Attorney caused Spcllman t be examinee aIld subpcccacd to IKODCCK TIn he liad written to Hera Up to theme the-me of this information the Slate Attorney did not know Beggs bad nntten any litters to Spellman fetter then asked if the testimony of Beggs to the Jury was not the in formation the State Attorney bail hat that Uiere bad been Mich Ilere i1 correspon fUe CfilOlI deuce Judge Ixjiignecker rain tliia question was putting words in his mouth and would not answer woul It but finally mid Jlegss h nlSler said Uicre were letters that would ex plain the whole thing orN > tnrthing to that eflect letters written to wrleu bpellman and replies to explain the wentcommltlccnrraniriTnnnf Tii State Attorney further admitted in i reply to a question that lUggs wanted him to obtain those 1lhs ChIef of Police leler was called and admitted that after Items thnteer arrest they had a cooc kS r > rdliig the Sprllman ton r aencc lfnJh tliat Beggs had dieted letter him 1 tlice he iu I wWicJ Begcs taken desk to to find Judge the Iongnekcr Adjourned IT IS maOKTED tonight Ute defeme in the Cronin case will spring sensation in tie shape that the hone which took Cronin from hits office on May Ith was not a white horse at all l and therefore could not have been Um ans animal for the hire of which Cbughlln was responsible |