Show fiporllntrllfmm DEXVKH Xor 2a The scries oC cames between thn t Louis nm Itoston clubs in tllisj i city closed today to-day in a tie The pame was called on account of darlness the score standings to9 in tta ninth Inning l Ilotli clubs go to Colorado I Spring and Pueblo when the St Jx > ui boys leave for the south and the Hastens go on to tbe Coast A bal In their honor Is 1115W in progrcst at Ihe largest hall In DtnVer llCARTHY ANt ELInilEX Sxv FliANCiXa Xor 1A fight to a finish between JHIly Me Carthy chamiiion mIddleweIght of Australia and IXrnny Kellehet of Ito ton torn plane of JIM3 look l plane nt lie Caliiirnla Athletic club tonight McCarthy look the aggressive from thesiart and Kelle hen was knocked oaths the twenty first round The I club tonight adopted a proposition to snatch nCorrc Sullivan and J cksoa for n worlds championship purse 10 bu limited to J100JO ELAVIVAfD E0JLlrA 0 XJw VOKIC Xor 20 Artlitir Luniky has a leltrr from Sinclair iecf rJ jll In London tothcrirect 1 thntSLuin Uio Australian cliaopion will accept ac-cept n challenge foni Sulllv n to box a certain number of rounds in America Jem Smiths malingers will not nllow him to go out of lng laud > |