Show Knlcht of Labor ATIANTA Ga Nov 0111 the Knights of Labor convention today rnricMis standing rommittecs made rcrorts among them the committees commit-tees on insurance law finance and corporations The committee on ap heats l and grievances made Its final report The finance committee recommended rec-ommended a change so tint In future fu-ture only actual cir fare to and from the conventions be paid Jn future all local assemblies attached to the general assembly will pay a per capita tax of ten cents per quarter instead of six cents as heretofore here-tofore The general executivoboan were empowered at their discretion to put on an assessment tax of nol more than twenty cents for the next ycarl A resolution wan paved declaring the general assembly favored in crca ed pay of printers ssistants in the bureau of engraving and printing print-ing at Washington from SIW toper 2 to-per day A resolution abo passed rccosniz ing election days as legal 1 holidays and imposing a penalty on any employer em-ployer violating it A resolution was passed asking that national election Jays be made legal holidays wIth a penalty for em ploycs violating the law The general assembly closed tonight to-night Mr Powderly I said in his closing speech ll had been the most profitable session ever held The executive board will select the location loca-tion of the next assembly Mr Powderly asked to ham 1m saliry reduced from S > 000 to 200 but the finance I commlttccand tin assembly refused allow it to be done |