Show Mr ParnrlL IISCOLN Xeb Nov 20 In answer an-swer to the tjucitlon whether the Irish National League In AmerIca was going to tko any sttps to relieve tho alleged etraltencd circumstances or Mrs Parnell President John Fitzgerald nulled In the negative I llesald I think that any public movement move-ment in that direction would ho In delicate and indecorous an Insult to the Paruell family and n blur upon the character of her distinguished son The reported slate of Mrs Parncll could not possibly lure resulted re-sulted from the neglect of her family fam-ily Parnell expressed painful surprise sur-prise when the intelligence ws conveyed con-veyed to him as he had made ample am-ple arrangements to supply her financial welfare Some of those who are urging public subscription f for Mrs Parncll ate titan who in their craving for notoriety have no conception of honor qr decency I hope the Jnnato delicacy Irish character will prevent thu Irishmen America from playing into the hands of those pretended patriots and philanthropists Mrs 1amells lf flS 1furze family can and will care for her wants without uncalled for public Interference |