Show a PRESIUEXT lEO i Q CAKXOX Called Jl I TvDIcson J ha1lisiln as a Witness TODAYSJiROCEEDINGS BEFORE JUDGE ANDERSON The Court Snjr the rie Will Not be Closed Till Mr rrnroe nhN Tlils morning there n another largeaUendanceofautlMomions and a few Mormons nt the City Hall where Judge AnJersoun brauch of the Third District Coirt I b making its Inquiry with referent referen-t tho eligibility of Mormons for citizenship LeGraml Young stated to the courtthattbocaseof the defense was through with the exception of a lit Oc documentary evidence awl the testimony of two or three witnesses one of whom Was sick He wanted to knowhowever what the court proposed to do with Mr Tenroses testimony Dickson objected t thecasc being Lill closed till ilrreuroso should co tl onl answer an-swer The striking out of his testimony testi-mony was not sufficient The court said tlta the case would not be closed till Mr Pcnroseshould answer whatever time that might require and us t tIle applicant Moore it would be kept open till sir rcnttfrescrossexamluatlonwas completed LcGranJ Young thought that the most the court should ask was that his testimony should be stricken out The defense wanted it In If all J al the objectors want Is crossexamina lon they could have done so without with-out referring to Mr Penroses rern t Penrl pri pr vale matters Their whim Yll ulel Ter should not b allowed to block this Whole case because the wine would not publicly stthlfanlly nflm The defense Ing wanted to know their Eland IngCcUrtMr Court Mr Penroses testimony will not be considered till ho submits sub-mits to crossexamination 1eGranJ Young raid they wanted loJntroduce thus documents referred refe to by Mr Penroso n evidence Baskin said there would be no ob ob jection j to hat H W Young offered In evidence a letter of Cal Steptoe and several other United States ofllcers and officials recommending Brigham Young for reappointment hs Governor Gov-ernor and rt testifying to his firm ad herence t the ConstItution of the Unit States The court on BasUns objection refused admit 11 R W Young then readan extract from the dedicatory prayer of the KIrtland Temple asking that the I principles uf the Constitution L csbibllihcd on this land forever MrMqyle offered Baskins statement state-ment made Jan 21 1S70 before the House Committee on Territories tories Bakin denied having made it Moylt Doyou deny jt Baskin That is not all I did say T made that statement and more I made a speech there but I never rels it Thu reporter did not r port nil I ad or It i not correct I used language like that iu nnc nectlon with romcthing else Baskin took the statement and began to read It but the Court said that Baskin could not be bound by his statements of nineteen sttcmenl nlucln years ago Ifo lawyer could JC Moyle He asked us to bring II and we did f Wo withdraw it I lie feels cmbarassed Baskin I would like it to go in with an explanation g Moyle We dont care Baskin appeared badly nettled at the presentation of the extract from ills speech pl I MRS B TIt W SMITH lesUficd am 6 year old have resided iu Utnh since IS43 was born in West Virginia am n member ot tie Mormon Church joined it In 1S3 my hu band George A Smith died in 1S75 he had teen an Apostle and was then Firt Counselor Coun-selor to President Young I knew tie Prophet Joseph Smith quite well my husband was his first cousin n1J husband was one of the Twelve five years before Joseph Smith died Joseph Smith was killed June Z 1541 at Carthage IIj I had my endowments in Xauvoo iu 1643 Joseph Smith presided pre-sided at the meeting then I I officiated officiat-ed in the Temple at ICauvoo subsequently subse-quently my own endowments were received in the Masonic t Xau 0 I became quite familiar with the ceremony worked in time Ku dowment House here many years assisting the ceremony as Priestess Priest-ess Uicre have teen no changes In the ceremony up t the present time they arc the same tony as in the lifetime of the Prophet Joseph no change has been made in any re pect from tie first To Mr Dickson The ritual is not written I ofliciated eight or ten yean in the Endowment House Up t its close about five years nzo My duties were confined t a particular par-ticular part but I frequently listened t the whole ceremony and was familiar with it all In one room 1 did not accompany time males I know what the ceremony Is but did not witness I performed To L Grand YongIn the course of the ceremonies there is no reference t avenging the blood of the Prophets except to pray to the Lord and quote the verses iu I the Bible in the look of Revelation I is just the same now as before Joseph Smiths death I is referred and to only females in tic presence of both males In response t a question by L Grand Young the Court said this documents and extracts read by Mr Pcnrosc wne admitted In evidence IM Grand Young said the defense did not admit that all the expressions made by time leading speakers were doctrines of the Church ifGrand Youngcaid expected Joseph Follett I whom I t saw time killing of Green on the next I train also that he wanted the dep sition of Mrs M Thompson who was too ill to attend He also nted t prove which hccuuld do that the records alleged to lie burned and which caused the Utah war had not been burned at all The testimony of Mrs M R Thompson was expected to lie a substantial reiteration of that by Ir J5 W Smith In regard to time tle Endowment ceremonies and that tt them there had been no change made in agreement this evidence was admitted without Mr Thompsons deposition After some further db emissIon however this plan was changed and 1r Thomsons evidence evi-dence was taken the court having a recess in the meantime Mrs Thompsons testimony presented sented nothing in addition to that given liy lr Smith Her deposition depo-sition was read at time opening of court this afternoon cour ti nernon lieGrand Young stated that Mr Follttt had not yet appeared but nppri they still I wcpected him j Jesse WU was called and swore butLcGrand Young said it was a srxclfisact and they would withdraw I with-draw Uicwitness Dickson said they were prepared to sustain McGuflics character In reply t Le Grand Young ha court sajd Joseph Follett wouldbe examined when he came Ije Grand Ybumr offered tho Bble Book of Mormon and Doc trine nnd Covenants In evidence on the part alUms defense I Dickson Call George Q Cannon i 9jllwINe m r Q cAsvd testified I 4 one of the First Presidency of tbiiChurch Hare been in that office since I8SO except from July 1SS7 to April 1SS9 I remember In member ISSL tho Epistlo t the Church Dickson Read that ban Jing him a paper Air Cannon read the document and then continued In response t questlons cannot ray positively that this Is a cajiyf Uiat Epistle tIt IUJ but I think It I ft was addressed Church la the officers and members of tin 1 sonThat b all nC5011 sshdjo IntroJuucd si the L1 Intruo r e to sho that the CLlS W In ie Chl wnthng in lng concert to overthrow 5uctoot me tbo lawof oerthrw govern B hurman said tim defense ol defenr OttjtOmI pmpoe tO thil 3 J was not the prllorer ofoyienmj lqn solilthu first proposition 5llhu lt prplUon WAglidtimerthero WzannrtmIm InoTfUblo Lime en with c Iii t i1 i0cWas wih good citizenship trios wn blOtonement a doc ontrrlrlb0 Chureli Third is contrcf by II temporal afFairs claimed thCctho The defense lied dcnle < eproV0 > IUoM by tT rebut t cod evidence I the document was to ThurrnIrm what I have of whtniasein Use Ull < asf Um testimony I to ctr went to prove n Mni gemiemi ndePcv of time tcacliinps of the lCJchlng torch leaders against the nnlnt tie KVcrmiJ > t and expressions gerlt ep lon were cited fOltht W This is claImed 10 In the some line nnd on the onlbegfjueitor round ghould oocxclucl Y o should not hol trl tao rn fro the rules of evidence i The c Sit llu had asked whether I feeling of the Mor mon iop i was hostile or filendly t the Imenl Baskin 1 his position w Uiat no membeif the Mormon Church was ellgill t naturalization and hat time AUJ of the Kndowmcnt House wee kjch ng iio citizen could 10 ctzen take The < n had claimed Uiis position walncorrect nnd liad In I troduced eifcnce to sustain their claim I The Cur mlc the document and said thiresponslbility of time InvesUgatlorlrested on tile court The questionjras whether r queto whdler persons oUicrwIsu qtilfied were t be cx eluded from tzell hlp because meoiberehip Sn the Mormon Church and Famed to beacon cvi deuce It couliio determine list facl The Epistlwas then read 1 is dated May 2mgS5 I and b signed by Presidents Jtki Taylor and George Q Cannon I GCI The examir4iosr I was in progress at time tale of jr going to Im lrl |