Show VOLUJIE XXIII The preMnt issue l Is the first of the twentythird volume of the DESWIET EVESIXO Ifcws For twentytwo years this paper has preserved pre-served record of events that have transpired in this part of the globe as well as a condensed account of the general nests of the world It has been the endeavor to make this record and account complete and reliable circumstances would per > nut and at tile Kme time to avoid those oflinsive features of modern journalif which pander to a taste for sensation rather than to an enlightened en-lightened desire to learn of the events of coutemporaucous history In exercising an influence upon public opinion the KVENINQ Ninvs has tried to be governed by the principles prin-ciples which are suggested by its motto U Truth and Liberty and its readers will hardly require to be assured that no change in its policy In this regard is contemplated To much of the history preserved In the columns of this paper especially Jpr pecially such as relates to local affairs af-fairs and the work in which the Latterday Saints are engaged age will add both value and interest The class of events and development develop-ment here referred tj will yet b looked backujion as among the most important ilia t have occu rred among mankind and If present indications I shall b realized the columns of our volume which begins today will b replete with accounts of events of the greatest Interest and Importance t tlie people |