Show Manlrr and Emln JIUKTIX Xor OA paper here publIshes a dispatch from Captain Veissman dated Mpwapwa October Octo-ber 13th saying four of Stanleys soldiers and one of Krnins had rrived there They left Stanley at cuVLma August Oth Emln and iuatiohad with them 300 Soudan toss soldiers and and a large number of people conveying a quantity of PIB nbr1 i Y2f ni rory Stanley was bringing 240 ZlI iOOrsmd six lieutenants Barring Bar-ring unforsecn accidents the expo Itlon should reach Mpwapwa November 20 Uoth Emir aol Stanley bad frequent battles wIll IndIes of Madhists and were anI brmly victorious |