Show NOT YET READY j Secretary AYindom Sol quito Ire pared to Slate 111 l Recent intmlalloii IN REGARD TO THE SLVE I QUESTION 1 1 Stank and Emits 1nsha Obtain Vieldries Orrr Icrtlcs of Mldllbls SESSION OFTHE INTERNATIONAL AL CONFERENCE Suicide of a Woman At Dcincr Ponilcrlj to Be ArrtslcJ Etc 01 Tcletrarh the rtril From WIIIIIIon WASIIINOTOS Nov 21Dr Vn lenll Bratlinil ihlbkter has not yet lxn oOlcInJIy I nieftoU to Mk the United State government to nccgnlia Use United States of JJra zll lie believes such n request will not be mule immediately but tha tho new government will wait n reasonable length of time to satisf tho world be stability before eeck ing formal recoKiiition Tile minis tcrrvganls the lens of pronilncn fi sC cn llth republicans > as set forth in their manifesto as mot rco ocablu In nil respects TilE DElAimilUir OF STATE Is informed that the llnyticn pov crnment has appointed Hanulba Trice envoy extrnortlI nan am minister plenipotentiary to Vasli ington Price has been proinincn iUl > olIlIcs in llaytl and vas recent mended by President fcjaloraan JUXUtETAttV WINDOM aid Oils afternoon wliilo not non reparcd to state the exact nature of lblj Jon his forthcoming recommendations on the Mivcr question he desired to hale the public Informed that none of the newspaper publications purporting pur-porting to give Ibo features of his plans arc correct RAILROAD OIUCIOX Commissioner of railroads Taylor has received from Um anUtaut attorney at-torney general or the Interior Dc partment opinion that railroad rect1 lnl grants of lands from the tattled itatte whicli grants were made to Ihcr States by Congreaj to lot aid lathe construction t = dare d-are nm UJIli10 to tho laws creatin the rnllrou1 urenu antI required 10 make such reports as lite commIs stoner hidy require |