Show LETTER FRo WASHINGTON Dedication of the lEouian Catholic UnircrtlO and Other Mattcn WASHINGTON DC Xovia issa Correspondence of the DE EKET SsvsThls has been grand day in the hiitory ot the Ilomau Catho lie residents in thl part of the country They dedicated a new I Catholic University and the ceremonies cere-monies were graced by the prewnce of many distingulhed prelates among n horn wcit prlat Ihonnvcu Cardinal Gibl In and Tascherau arrayed IntI the lontiHcal glory of their office I was much pleased with a lenti ment exprCd In Un sermon of Irmon i Bishop Gilmour He said The motive that has brought here today the Chief MRsfetntS SJ Misgbtrute of this II great Republic and kites high dignitaries of Church and Stat and this die tlnguiPheU audience of the laity 1 worthy of the deepest thouehL 0 ou flU not here to asslt 41 I at the dedication of this fair building classic in its lights I ca I and shades of artto the mere lght cl vation of the arts and sciences valuable though theyarc AlenM higher motive ha brought you her ana a II mupificent higher motive gift prompted and subsequent the first geuerosty that hive rendered tills Institution ixysslble This building hiss just OI blessed and biding torer i dedicated to the cultivation of the science ofTSciencesthe knowledge I ISIMC It wa well to IiaTC begun I Er the DivinIty > deportment if errtment I for nothing else than to teach that I oil true education must beglb lat God and find lutrulll nn1 lrnn Ji I in Rim A Education has for Its moUe tho fitting and ld directing of man In his relations to God and society Maa I not for hmf f alone He was created for a higher and nobler purpose l tblnjrarom tho unltr to the grain cf sand ffit tIe 11r exist fur the benefitof othier the InEpeakinBofChurth bishop saidr There ibi grow StaId I whlcl pJilTcal and social i heresy which assumes and aserts that the a State r Is nih ni tlIIloml and religion all Bon spiritual TM relgion splrtu This is not only n doc tnnal her y but if acted upon and would end in ruin t t tet spiritual temporal 3fo more tempml can toe State exist without region than cal the body without thin soul and the no more State can religion cxit without and on earth lu on work than u can tho sou carry on earth niuioui me wxly Uo its worn Itoth ° Vm ne that their conjoin work will be the t temporal and moral welfare of society The morality of the citizen is the real ttrengUi of the State but fln u the teach WtS C ing of morality b the functIonLof i religion and in s much i religion to the necessary State In this sense i i foolish to monet that t en nr tht r higlon the State is independent of the State or independent J of religion or that they can relgion cn or ought to b separated one from the other ofetatecau oller can or should exist that does not recognize God as the f prome authority Woe In to the titate that denieS God or attemplo to govern soeletysvhthiout Gel te iTwcr Bi 7 witiout tOf or Gods lw 11mte force Is tore tyranny S moral n3 force is 10rl orc I re n rnn erased by reason not by force O Ami I in the Stt will find its true strength morality of the cItizen God iB the strength ot the State Go guide ot the citizen and the peeler ton of Ilet In closIng he told to Revelation I Gods bestgift alan The mLedoi or this unl crl Is to hake lp son ni that Is good In hiunsan hUln knowledge J I purify It In lie llrfy tll alembic ot Gods revelation Go rvelaUon and give I hack to man in the light ot Gods lght troth In Us Increased In volume and intensified in force thins I giving irlglr science Its his dIrectIon and revelation I cmPlement but The ilin fjnn torrent all day dedications dedictons proceed whether the weathier cther permits or not The climate here Is l peculiar not peellllr temper atur being quito c1nle It mngestodayfee 41 to2 Sonic das we Wear summer Sme and the next clothIng net overcoat are acres ncs Iry Unbr arc always useful It Only to keep tin mind UruJ To easy l day cachmen sat at their lsta with white post whie waterproofs over their coatsand hits Well Jroked I onT U fTrnea laUils rom the ftor to their < carriages under catnSl urn brell ur Washington has a peculiar char acter named Dunlap pli fl P Is called 1 Thin Dude of the CapItaL It pears that he fell down when a boy op and an hurt his heodztnd hed fld a mono mania seized him fur dreas mono sz dl He changes his ehag costume two ctume or thr Gases a day and Indulges In swell Indulgl1 faahilong swel fhion His mother is weaithy and permits these expensIve Wetb i l gratify Use eccen young man He is Ii pcrliwthy hiarnihess to oilier en opens In thia maybe he Is p IL ahicrul of t Nilnl dude In other clUe C W SaAYsaR |