Show SUJAUFACTJPYTOBE BUiLT Kcnorl to tlultoird of Directors of the flab Sugar Co The committj of the Utah S g Company repoii I their recommendations recommen-dations today titie board of directors direc-tors Their rcprt ras received and their rmmcnl tons adopted 1 was UnanimoulV determined t proceed forh wi with the erection erton of a factory I The report rem s iu part n follows fol-lows I Your commit to whom you have relegated th4 responsibility of recommending is vther or not time production and tiauufjcture of sugar is feasible ail practicable and ant can L made profit tie in Utah and of selecting a bite It the location of a factory respectlily I report that for the reason In I with set forth we consider the industry entirely en-tirely feasible ail I practicable and we have nl hcsIUtion iu recommending I as I worthy enter prime and a reasonal r profitable investment in-vestment The n r partial and In sonic instances t ire failures of home industries v ih liave oc curred amongst us 4 J time cornier atively large amoun > f money r quired t establish t i enterprise have occasioned a ry close and searching invcsUgat land careful weighing of po bliitlcs for and against its iccess and the possible contincl trIes which have been so freely bnught forward t tf nJi as apparently InMinmiiUable dlfii collies have caused a Ten healthful ventilation of the cobol which however has only resulttl Iu showing show-ing its strength and Its pilpable advantages ad-vantages The report then entcnsinto a detailed de-tailed statement of factnnd figures and shows the amount t4t profit that may b reasonably cxpcted from ivtli sorghum and sects To how how careful tho committee have leon in making cslmatra tie following is quoted Ths estimate includes all items of cost tiatcan b legitimately charged splint any manufacturvand includathe actual bills for wages fuel rat material incidentals repairs fixelor annual salaries for manager st > crintcnd cnt chemist and clerk nsurance taxes and a six per CIt Vliarge for wear and tear Which amount held in reserve annually wthoutln crest would rebuild Ui factory anoar in 17 years The committee reported suitable location fora artery In ch of the counties Davis Cache Eat Lake and utah and asked for i instucUons whether or not they shotrj take into ronsidcration proptitlons which had been made by Blue of time counties a inducemcnte t locate lo-cate in the neighborhood 1 was determined by tholl nl lo receive propositions rue the various localities and consldetliem Time rciiort is signed by Elba Morris Francis AnnstrongArans Howl Ceo WTiiatcher C W Hardy and Authur Stayner |