Show The Flood OLKAX 3P < Yf or The heavy and incessant rain for the past two days has caused a flood in he rllt similar to the oo of bet sprIng The river Is riling at the rate of ten inches an hour nud the rain continues l Propertyalongthe lowlands is nl In greatdangir o JirannA > Y Nov 3 The flood reached Its height Acre this morning without doing more seriom dame in the city than filling eel are caving fn sewers etcs The ailroad is badly demoralized IMJCASTEB Pa Nov 20 The Susnuehanna River is rising rapidly atColumbla very high water anticipated an-ticipated tonight Lovo URANCII Xor 23 At high tide this morning thesurf cut almost through Ocean Avenue above the Hotel brIghton where the big cut was made last winter The bluff was also damaged InJC oral jilaces between llie ocean pier J 11 and Howlaml Hotel |