Show Iiilernallotiat C i rrcrirC WAEIIINGTOS Xor2i 0The scs slou of tho Inlernatioal America Conference today wai Ievoted l entirely en-tirely efforts to cflec en orgaulza Uon and some progrcawas made In that direction The report of the tjmmUtce on crcdcntUlswasprcscnlid jl all tl lie delegates were rented f The report of the onimitlco on rules was laid before tie conference Aftit coiliderable dUsisslon upon the report du wilhrjLconiing to any conclusion SecrXry Itlaiuo to facilitate lie transaiion of busl ness suggested the rr urt be lot paced until Friday aid Ulls actIon was taken I Senor QuInUna of tie Argentine Republic then called ip his resoh thou providing for tilts appoIntment of two secretaries wl6 were described des-cribed by the prcsldog olllccr as SpanishKuglL wtreuries Jkfuri the matter could bepasfed upon Senor Itomero of Mexico called f up tho report of the comnittco on com mill c3 Pending Ibiconstderatlo the question came up ts to how the chair was to be filled InMrJtlalnes I absence After a lonj dlscu lon it was decided to select s president pro tern by kit I THe eaters Ir lie COUll tries represented were wrllteii bb cards which after being careful mixed were drawn out in the fo lowing order Until NIcaragua Peru Guatemala Unguay Colun tex Y Wk bIn Argcntinu Itfjiublic Costa flirts Paraguay Brazil Honduras l rr ifbn Mexico BolIvia 0nlted States Venezuela Chill Salvador and Kcuador llepfeseajitiTcs bo selected by ties delegations from these countries who full take turns in filling thu chair Is I Mr Illaino absence The report of the conunll tee on committees lent over J |