Show 0 HELD WITHOUT p BAIL The Case of Thoj JT hughes Sat to the Grand Jury The preliminary hearing of T if Hughes charged with the murder of F D Roruavne nmn ne look alarm lfnr Judge yr yesterday Attorneys lout andYarlan appeared for the ltrooecuton and Attorneys Dickson Hamilton audNowlIn for the de tens Tho first witness Introduced by lie prosecution was FKAX7I jr riSNBO who testified I am aeijualntctl with Hughes On Sunday SOy 10 JurHngame Arthur Itomayne and I were standing In I the hal way at the Thiimc I first noticed Hughes and Dmiel coming downtime down-time street 1 heard Hughes sayf Come out and fight you s of a ti you had the drop on mo last night but I am luxled now He flourished his pistol and then put I into lib kel Roinnynu raid laughingly Go on with your shooting shoot-ing I went out and on looking back saw Jtomayno with his gun In hiR hand I then elepp aside and tho shootIng shoot-Ing began Hughes hot m near 3 I reniembof Ibur times throwing uphlalinnd cacli time I said to Romayne Your not hit are you He saId miye her In the stomach I > ut my arms around him and he laid down and said Go for n doctor Doctor Bower came up at that time and said Catch that nun I went t the corner and row Hughes crner IW Hughe coming around Jtonmyno vrni taken into tin bindery nnd then Into the Job office where he died shortly after Hughes was brought into the room before his death lloiUayne lived about ten minutes The doctor cut the bullet out I saw a bllet ot IU weapon wlpn taken from Romayuc During Uio shooting Jtomiyno held tie pirtol In lib IUd To Dickson Huglrcs was coming west with Daniels when I saw him Arthur Burliugame Romayncand I were standing together in a recess of the when hallway Hughes was coming Homaync was near the I outer edge of the door near the cast lte The first thing that attracted my attention was the remark of Hughes on thb sidewalk When Hughes made thu remark he threw his pktol up Itanayno laughed contemptuously mil said iGo on with your shooting Hughes went ll hTe on lacking toward Vest Temple tnt We went out toward Hughes t within about fifteen feet of him Hughes wnl leaking first to thu right and thea to the left of me n if looking for something some-thing behind me I locked back and saw Itomnyno with n gun I stepped aile and the shooting commenced That 3 the loMtton of tho two men before the shooting Komaynu did not fall during the shooting Hughe went on backing around the corner I Laid Komayne on tho sUewalk before be-fore Dr Bower drove ul I looked from one to the other during the I shooting Itomaynu threw his left arm up as a kind of guard DI KOWEK testified I was present immediately after time shooting 1 Was going eatt near Scotts rarchouse when I heard the report of a pistol and raw several men rush together I drove upand abouttwcnty scconlsebpped before Itomayno staggered and fell forward I felt his pulse He was pulseless and in about five minutes died 1 cut the 111 out Tliewound was on the left tide The tall was taken out on the right side on the it front flits is the ball producing Io Mr Dickson did not probe the wound and cannot tel the direction direc-tion of the ball I was eight ur len inches below the heart I was about a third of a block away at the first thot Could not tell tin attitude atti-tude of the parties The II W was taken l > cktl out of Itomaynu0 right I A FRANKS was called antI corroborated ticks tiinony already Bivcn a did also Joseph > h Arthur Ji Jlurlingame George 1C JSusldng and Alonzu Uortlicn ILICIAX JOHN n COIJIOCK testified wasjuhl below Greene walds cigar store at tie time of tie I Ont ihot I mu to the IriS ult I Hughes was coming back when I got to Uie corner 1 went up t him when hue said I I did thu stiooting I 1 dlt II there ii = pistol I went into the room when Itoniaync was Hughes said Get the other mans pistol Hughes wanted Jinnin to read somethIng that was written In a hook l The leaf wasgUen t Franks We brought him up to the city hall POLICEMAN J w SIll ttUnaThe pMoIs were given t me in tlC nianhalg ofllcc Hugh gun hail two empty shells and three empty chambers Romaynes had two loaded shells and Uirec empty chamber Court then adjourned to 7 pm Y Ou reassembling the following evidence fence was produced by the de VICTOIt 11 DANIELS I am a printer at the Tribune oilier I knew both Hughes all Kornayno Was titcecnt nt time homicide 1 Heard Itomaync in the tact restaurant the Sunday b for say that he would run Hughes out of town On the Friday before the shotng 1olyne had n gun He asked me to oil I gn him Borne one asked him what hewn he-wn going to do wiUi the gun Ho said Oh comes of a 1 might pull a knife on mc The next day after the occasion in the restaurant Roraayne sjoko to Hughes about a remark that he had made about him the day before and said he didnt like It hughes asked him if his apology was not sufficient when Itoniaync said Oh ycsbut I didnt like it all the earns Komayne said Ifyou ever want a gun ora knife fight you can have gu I went down the street with Hughes the day of the shooUng Saw Ro mayncjust as we got to the door Hughes went across the sidewalk walk and said I Xow you t of a b como out and otffO am heeled now You had the drop oil me before Come out and fight like a man Hughcs backed off sideways toward thus corner Ito maym CJme ont and pulled his pistol pis-tol mid held It in lib right hand W YII luI left hand I over the cylinder cylin-der He took c left hand ofland just n that time Hughes reached In his pocket ant pulled hb gun and commenced shooting hughes backed t the comer nnd then around I Komayne was still standing ItI asked ItS he was hltand he said 1e go for a doctor and I started up liis etrec for a doctor To Mr Varian Hughes told me that Komayne had a pistol with him the night before and Jtomnyne had II shoved a pistol 1n In hb mIe and abusel him He sid he dldnt know why Komayno should have inythlngagalnsthlm When we got o the Tnoune Hughes made the first craark Uiat was mlle Komayne tad hb hands In his pocket Ko diyne was on the west side of the Bindery when the first shot was irvd He had a pistol in hie hand he second shot went over n bayncs head Komayne did not SiooL I am a friend of both Hughes 1 aid Komayne K J Jessun and William AVSal non wcie then examined after e xfilch Attorney Haute opened the arjument for the prosecution fol loved by Dickson for the defense aol closlngwith Yarll for the pr cCiUon Judgo IVper stated lhat lie would like tjmfc to more July consider the Swd nee but a one of the defendants defend-ants attorneys nl was anxious to getaway get-away he would give his decision vrhichwas that time prisoner te held to await time action of the grand jurjtvllliMitljaUi The grand jury wai liitoisjou antI could consider that the to casu Immediately 5 tha Inlt omission admit t tail trould be no hardship |