Show Tony TenrnImnon mOo IndIan lathe title ofnlilchly Interesting work of 400 pages wlilchjrlllshortly be issued from the press I contains con-tains the thrilling experiences of Daniel AV Jonesjunong the natives of this liod and exhibits many marvelous mar-velous half providences of God in his b Canvassing agents will visit short r ly the different Wards and Slakes of Zion dtf s Throat Diseases commence with a cough cold or sore throat Jtrowni Jironcfiial Tncliet give Immedlaterellef tldoufg Mexes Price els rrlO 2 ef SPECIAL XOT1CKS TiE Ust place In town to gel aGo a-Go Homecooked Dinner for 25 cntJ I BENJAMINS Restaurant hIS s Main Street 0 Ydmue BUll continues canyon busIness I M Florist at 2 < < 1 w Third South St Like Slot takes I Mr T A Derovcn merchant Drroven Louisiana says The 8L Patricks Pills went like hot rakes Their gentle nctlon and Thlr bnto nUI t reliability ai a caUiartic Is what makes Uiem popular For salif by X f M I drag dl > 1for CARPETS 1 CARPETS Ill Linoleums Curtains Rugs Lnoleums Curains at HENRY DINWOODEYS Park UrI Ur-I Bo sure and take the short line t Park City via BLiKRy Trains leave CUr D R tRI tl at 10am dtf Cqnllnble Sells Colored Yarns at 85c per lb InturIUtn the World r nowned South American anpeU r cures dyfpcpiia Ac Dr lJp8i I Slfgcrt k Sons role manufacturers At all druggists Kperlalfiehool Meeting An adjourned meeting of the tax layers of School District > o 15 h Salt take County Nt Ie held on Wednesday November 27 1SS9 at 730 pm at tie schoolhoura of the district I First flout Street west Salt Lake City The object of tho meeting is t consider a proportion to exchange tofox the present rIo a more suitable one THOMAS HULl J R MORGAN EG HOLDIXU Trustees School District ito 15 SALT LAKE CITT NovemberlSth 1SS9 dtt WHY WIM < YOU cough when Shllohii Cure will give Immediate rellrf Price 10cts50cL and 1 < Unto Iarllle Ijinlv Utah Real Estate and InTwt meats C E WANTtAND Agent 201 8 Main St Bait Lake Clly dtj ARB You MADK ml erable by Indigestion Constipation Dizil ness tc s of Appetite Yellow Skin Slulohs Yitaliicr I h a pool lee cure 4 TiiRllEV Gw TiiAVHijOf flour Iwn I mmd KiyK Iloth myself and JF Wife owe our lives to Iliums COSUMITION CVnK 4 Ladles Cloaks all wool cost to make themSIS forSlioOlUstGIovi in WWI for 100 1 K PJIKMS The Indian Dr C JfekonGG Second South Street want cverbody to know that ho has a remedy to cure coughs cold asthma and all diseases of the throat and lungs and he is I willing to mrantre it All sufFerers r Vftn Consultation free d The proprietor t of Klys Cream Halm do not claim I It to be a cure all but a sure remedy for catarrh colds In the head and hay fever I 1 not a liquid or a tnuO but easily applied into the nostrils I gives relief at once I Jrr Soap Is the most elegant toilet adjunct 1 Ogden Depurlrornt The NEWS can now lw had every evening at 515 pm at the new stand of the pm Dept or at the Ogden News depot 311 Twenty fourth Street 1 few doors east of the I Post Office also from Dalton Nye I r Cannon Main tIt tn wlille delivered at your residence the same evening by applying t Mr Scott Anderson NEWS agent In Ogden CityAM AM kinds ol Sheep Dip for sale tint Olp2it at PAINE A LYMEB urns Nd We have Just received a car load rf Fresh Gram Peed KAILEY i BONS Opposite Post ORIce Park Hew Time choice addition on the slope of tho last Bench adjoining the I homo of LeGrand Young E The I cheapest and best lots In the market J I YOUNO and C E W A TD d 201 Main Street WOOL BATTS Just received at JOHN C CUTLER itt BRO No 36 Est Temple St Special Sebaot JleHlnc A special meeting of the taxpay eif k elA of School District > o 1 Salt Lake County is hereby called for Friday evening November t 1SS9 at 730 at the School House of said district First Ward Salt Lake City Ciy The object of the meeting is to consider a proposition to exchange time present tl school Kite i for a more suitable one to consider whether a tax of two 2 per cent shall L levied or not for the purpose of erecting a commodious school houte forUie district and the furnkhlngof the same with all I the appliances required re-quired and also for eu transaction I of any other business that may come iip before time meeting JAIIES D SniiLixu TlIOUAS J01IXS9N JOHN SQUIRE Trustees School District Xo 1 Salt Lake City Xov 1518S3 T EqnILable foop Sells yard wide Sheeting I at SIc Sl1l mixed Flannel IG fe yard Brown Canton Flannel 6c per yr WanlfU All kinds of Second Hand Household House-hold Goods 157 s FIrst E ETCHESON A WEBBER Equitable Ceop Sells nol thawhi at 75 e Bed Comforters largo tlie90ceach I Raw Silk Table Coversworth f Ija for75c Boys Pants 30c t SOc each 5 gal keg Pickles 125 20 bars of Soap Jl Boys wool Waists worth 125 for G TtieTrarklncmraa Clothlnc Blore Having established a reputation for honesty reliability and fair deallngweare now prepared t offer t the public greitbargalns in if ens Boys and Childrens Clothing Furnishing Goods Ort ete Call and examine our new and complete stock and b convinced that our prices a 10 per cent lower than any other house in town WM IOMJVORE 53 w First South St I Go to SPENCER BYWATER Co S opjicelte City Hal for Tin Roofing Guttering Sjoutlug Stores and Tinware TnUlre ec j BarblenaArnlea Naive THE BEST SALVE in time world for Cuts Bruises Sores Ulcers Salt Rheum Fever Sores Tetter Chap = l ped Hands Chilblains Corns and ail Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles or no pay required It Is i guaranteed to give perfect e tl action or money refunded Price 25 cents per lx For eala by A C Smith 4 Co Cj Smums CATARRH REJIEDY a positive cure for Catarrh Diphtheria r and Canker mouth 4 the L Omit A Dally Through Car Service has > cen established by the Chicago Union Pacific to NorthWestern Line between San Francisco Port and and Chic via Council Bluffs hus offering to the public facilities not given by any other line The LImited Fast t which runs d111 between thxatovo points car ries IhcOrcrtaixIFaU JaiZa limited number of flrstclasi nnmbr nrtI passenger without extra charge andis comm wsed Pullman Veitlbuled Sleep er San Francisco t Chicago via Council Blufls Pullman VesUbuled leepersand Pullman Dining Cars datd Chicago via Council HulTs This Is another inUIcatlonthat the Union 1aclfic Is desirous of meeting Ihe requirements of tho j > IIc FtC Information In regard to ths and nr mthcr trains on this line apply ton J to-n General Agent Xo I fontgomery SL San Francisco or l X II Ix > max General Passenger ngr Agent Omaha i > eb deed joinmeirrs AND Tonti czw TORK Iou New tort Nor SI Noon R SIr Wjuvartirauon itO 3Isney 137 Trameonunenfl 13S teOnpOnL 77 PaclOo MEL 33a ildSeCi I7S Ro < k Iiland 99V Crated linOc P 5tUiSr 11 Onriesgiso 655 8mFanlaotnW SI Voribern Pacide UVDnlonliaflS I S Preferred TS rarzoEiprrM 41 Noruve > tera UMWuterntnion MS fort central O5 Slack doll 1 led CHICAGO ItlUET CbMaffo 115 p cu yerSi clooc WheatFirmer > OT t 5 II 81 UarfcS CceaieadyNOT Ji 31Sma data Aboot ittadr NOT r Slay i vtbat llarier Nor K Pork Firm Nor 95JS Jan 341V S WWL Lard Stead NOT Nism Ja 557 S SALT LAKE THEATRE Cuss E EcmTot Slossoct FUR RIGHTS WEND MHUE MONDAY November IStli J C DUFF CoMic OoraCoy aaruunl r OXca2V45Xi rusoooxaox Sed 5Vdntmioiitty Maminre I P < I Wednesday n1 Thursday XIble TRIP TO AFRICA GTA CUB AT CAST Chorus and Incidental Ballet of 50 FINE PKODCCTION I HANDSOME C9STUJIKV FsLenmcmoomuciirTcA Under ISO dtl ot Sum I S 11Ura Stf Whole proJnrtlonniiItr IbO rrnon rr1 icitiiuion or lie J C Uc r Priori of AdmlMlon 1 351 vO73eAMc ITfwforiheH ttinee3SiIndSC GRAND OPERA HOUSE U J Bram Smaller TUB GREAT SCCCES8 Seesrc 100 r oaoThteetce Cal fn4 JitqpatsaI Ten XIII n1 Our IUI fHI Y ni II SHIt r Ens yovsomnmn a Grand Matinee Saturday NOVEMBER t at i r X Hri Trance illodfwn Hnrneir Own Vn 1u matUauonot her Beautltul Storr LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY Under the dIrection of Slot it rcuccn or the ilrodrs r Theatre and Grand Opera Home Sew Tartan Tart-an Mr AL lUimx of the lUMwln and New CaliTonU TheatcriSan Francl > eo Xioli000A Dopnr rJoo The Sub e or Seat will becln THDItSDAT Xo tern her 11t a 10 a m a the hand Opera Home Box oa < e LOST c ATURDAT AT NOON HETWEiaf C SATURDAY Hart and Mr Madean S linery itore a GoM Ureait pin with o > but > im > llpearl > lnit llnder will b ewtrded bY ieee ng it at Emcee Ilr dOS lAIN STREe O1 IKI OS j5ookronialntZ npr of 15 Cola m1 Sal imporiani ppers rar 1 l rcmryswsuOCefarowoorWbG in I a lr ace woman d WAG = A GiaCO0 AND TO PO HOUSEwork f1 HOUSE-work In a t fimllf Aprlj un mediatelr 1 Sirs Loris Cunx313 fr t Street corner cwta Ward d iCrgCnivFSwanini In ereryeonntr DBTECT1VES 1 act anderlnitractlon m oar Itt Service Ejpenenee not I neeaoair Send cent tamp Grahm ArtadeUneJnnatlU IMlectite Bureau e ArdlcnuUJ d thrlnat t FOR SALE u corn scars or Goon 85 OO inad in lnernaol rna r-na mile from city threequarter of a mile train Railroad oood Imildinc me Apply to J M Cubic Eait UU1 Creek naTo duo A AO E YLAT CORNET IN GOOD L1 ceder Apply is r Ii f Ion a Grat Ore Sink dlt IDTirC TO JIOTIIEOK ilxf Wnstowa Soonuio Sincr honldalway t used for children teeth lay II loothe the chill tottrn the jrnmi aluy 1 pain ere wind eolie and m tha belt remedy for dlarrhaa Team Are eenta a teor deed wly J HABRY R BROWNEr ACCOUNTANT ANDAUDITOR 41 Mqs2T1TTs 51 SOUTH MAIN STREET PHILIP SPRY MERCHANT TAILOR MC TAOR hal Juit CeeelTed aNa STOCK or ENGLISH GOODS For FALL and WINTER YERI CHEAP CALL AKD SEE 4 25 15 Temple 5 PEKVECT FIT OUAnAXTEED I ilioloathsmlneObythelais U mkir mo Pay and coitct au den at the alo Crnlo G J i JJANE iAZArc TUST ABBIVED I NEW SPILES OF tl IadiCo Silk Handkerchief all bias of cat eea ad JapaneM Crep and 8Uk Drew Good Crepo and OmIt 8hawl alit t G C sue Ladies Sub and Kmlironlere Wnp pen and 5 fOaL kilO Silk and Satin EtneniandTaolaCorenand all tt r Unaware Fancy C1Dwae n nQp > iv 7 5 Main Street ESTRAY NOTICE X hate m my pollution One dark red CO IV I or 9 yean old crop jff botn un and nppenlopc ol rifhtear branded I oa Jeft hip anl t on left thlfb and jr and rented on left n1 One red COW and CAL cow t yean old coop and iwallow fork In rtiht and nnder ol bail asp In left ear Uolched brand on ten bt l celia b not paid within 1 dayi from data or thU noUe ttiU 10111 thedalaOf tli pa they 11 b at the > ephl eatray pound Dtcemlxr < tII atioodoek IJETEIt trot tcpe tro-t City XoTeisbtr f c DIKXCTOU Ceo Bomney Manirtr 1 i OeonTaylor rAr = tro OeonrjRoras y y I ace IfTnymor AiiutaatManafor hjirauniJEomny J a D RII ilcy and Treas LumberYardSteamPlaniiipll i TAYLOR ROAINEY ARMSTRONG CO Ono BIoclcEust orTT O n Depot DAVID JAMES COn CO-n gCI TfERS = = Plumbers Gas and Steam Fitters DIR IK Plumbing Material Pumps Plpo and Fittings Steam Heating Suppllas Tin and Iron Roofing Galvanized vanized Iron ComIcs Guttering Etc ADEN nOSE and L N SPflflfl No 67 S MAIN STREET COHNI3ROS w < O F 1 13 GREAT BARGAINS lAUIESJ CLOAKS JACIvETS S300 400 oOO o i NEW3LUUG3TS SloO GOO 750 S50 The Oe r ndUon of 30 percent franz Iiegaar Uriern In PInot Straps J ketsan tmi Mtcqlir Wf alaaa ntTtr Ocean ladomf Oar Irlu h7 tbe CJE4IET IX TUS EBSllSSl > it AFttJUIlUirr nl Itnlnrml Prior from 300 nd lipHnrdo ASia Rrilucllon ofrrlrn In Chllilrci rionbis from 830 nlli npnnrtN E ID GLDVES ladies Srtnllou Mon < nefalr Vnmioernei Hid < Hate at 73 4imnmmnn Kid Ulnte Alt aloes ami Mzr nl mISC 4immiion IUd Clare Embrolilrml lark al 3a loon ned KM rinl > rolilrrr < i hocks at 8101 mlItoak rndrtnl Enibrulilrrrd had at 8100 1 leri 3IIook Kid ilotr at 81 mIimmmtmmn Exlra Qnalllj VallonnI Top Kill Clolro at smaa 4nmmioml Extra llffiy Kill Cnibrnlilrrril Hark al 8130 onmmian rxlm flnallljr Kill IjnbrolUml Ilaek at 816 Eniera Hook rnilrroonl at 0 Jtrr Tllook Kill M 5170 sImnhmtmtm rmlrrwml Kill mmes HI 8UO4 isc 16 ami JlIIiillon rnUrr il KM Cloir at bOOms o 10 Gntitiet Drlvlns CIoTro Nnprrb nnllly nl BSI IIrr 1001 < Misea Jhl Glecm am 8ino J Full Assortment of Ignites Joined Winter Jlil Gloves tttnl Jlitlcns FAN r Y G s an ART M1fi DEPT I A Great Variety Jut Opened In Jajianeso Panels Felt and hand painted Plush Table Scarf Chair flrapmm Tidies Fnncy Glove nUt Decorations Handkerchief Cases and many other articles and materials for Interior joT We are prepared to do STAMPING nnd tike orders for nil kinds of EMBKOIDERY WOPK at moderate char EEcofNEBRosEE SPTEASDEL wiii SE Mens Good Suits 500 Childrens Suits 250 Mens Sold Stoga Boots 250 Mens Shoes 150 Boys Boots 200 Boys Shoes uea 150 Mens Hats a 50 Blankets a 150 I FULL LINE OF UNDERWEAR GENTS FURNISHING GOODS AT BED ROCK PRICES PRCES Dress Good at 5 cts a Yard A MOST EXCELLENT STOCK OF LADIESDRESS GOODS NEWEST STYLES AND P TERNS AT S P TEASDElS ° ° FOU STORESC IILI wnrr J05 L HEYWOOD JOflN nwfliTZ lL Secretary Tnu1 WHITE SONS CO PROPRIETORS Pembroke VIet atket The Choicest Moats Iho marxut affords aro fur nlshod from our Refrigerator Family ratio solicited r Prompt delivery and satisfaction guaranteed Our Prices aro as Cheap a tho Cheapest Home u HAMS and PURE UTAH LARD n Spec WlIOLESLM Firma F-irma Beef In Side at < V Fore an1 Ilind qurttn Bc410KS1 I T Teipiiaa OWS Iot1 |