Show A Hlnnctof Town MAriETOv MInis ov2OThe vffi Lr n fi T village of Ia leen twelve miles south of here is in n state of great excitement For some time there lias been feud between the citizens and a man named August lltsms pelt which culminated yctttrday when the constable an J a posse of citizens attempted to arrest the old man his sons and the hired man for carrying concealed capons They succeeded In securing the last two but the old man neaped J l and re I treated to his farm keeping the posse at bay with a revolver War iras declared l and volunteers have been asked for The trouble arises 1 through numerous family quarrels I In the Rarr > pott household the old man refusing to make certain ruoney I settlements upon his wife whom hemet he-met InMilvyaukee through a newspaper I news-paper advertisement Law suite have been brought and dismissed citizens have taken sides revolvers I bU i ol1 arc brought threats mado and tho town Is r patrolled nIghts until today to-day when the aflalr culminated as above |