Show Political Notes The ninth marching club will w1 meet nt 6 oclock this evening for drill at the usual place The Seventeenth Tcoples club Will meet at T30 this evening cub J > Houtz ihKj will speak A full attendance is desired spk The Twentyfirst Ward political club hold their regular weekly meet Ing this evening at Uie usual et The Fifth political club marching men will 1 meet for drill on Thursday evening i Nov 21 at J7h A full and punctual attendance of all f members Is requested ni There will L a meeting of the iVoplcs political club of the Jsiuth VarJ Uns evening at7W AH who are interested in the Al intle organiza lion te ornlz 101 are invited to attend A G W03L1KV Secy Troop A City Guards will meet tomorrow Friday at 4 Frdy jm on the Tetthrd to Telthwr Ur A full and Prompt attendance is dtslrej ATMJZO Vouxo Captain commanding Troop A The b0hJ Scandinavian political club hl1 their regular oeir wefklrmceting In the eklmctng tarelleat SCial Hal last night An Itrogramncs had been JVentfltosrammc e Jld pen pre lr anti a rouslus time was had J = y p meeting was nddressed by Jno Oblaj t 1 ObIJ ia G Johnson and J 1 I atatondin The atumdanC < was eo larges lntlin large-s room could scarcely 5 eiutainetj rm Sreel bliue llercafler the meet Ii tle Ilt YtT i be beltlln the Thirteenth srh m weeUug Jjouse I 1 |