Show 1ft CHAIIACTERISTIC SMALLXLSX f Till commitment of Mr C W I I renros < by Judge Anderson for contempt liecau he Jeclineil to answer o an-swer a question which the Court rultxl to be iiroptT aroused a great j I deal of ympaUjy In the community i f fur that gentleman The nliole inoxcracnt which led to his UJng I < < jilaced in custody of the 17 S Mar I i thal b political but Into It religious I and sooialnflairsliave been dragged by the Liberal forty some of sv120e most active Jrajcre have conducted con-ducted the proceedings thus jar While Mr Ienrotes offenro Is constructive contempt he IF to nil intents and i > urr > oc8 a political I prisoner being in durance because ho declined to personally give publicity pub-licity to his domestic allalrs He ion gentleman well of > lablkheJablity indtWiiiiiing in community and nil decent people even among tlrofe who diHer with him in religion and politics will regret the portion In which IIC iB I placed It te aitun powi understanding among tliu journalistic fraternity that outride of differenCES arising from divergence of opinion upon puJiHc matters there sIiould exist among them whenever occasion iletnauds it a certain degree of pro Ar joiial amenity When one member mem-ber is presumed to loe at a disadvantage disadvan-tage o jiecially if he be placed in a tight position on account of being adjudged guilty of a mere technical 1 gfletiie such as refuging to answer 1 question regarding his domestic domes-tic relation it is lint the rule fur journalists with souls to jump ou him with beth feet and gloat over what they migbtooBsUerlils discomfiture To I actlntucli a brutal fashion would not li luagnaulmous nor professional profession-al In such case tho least indication indica-tion of generosity that could be manifested would be a semblance of iiwcniV in the thane of ilvnn > There is nothing of that manly I entlment in a lialfcxpressed wish that the jwiUon of tho person placed l at a disadvantage fie rendered ren-dered worse and mare irksome nut fni water cannot IKI drawn from a dry well On the none jveiuisc you cannot extract com mily from where it dues not appear to cxit Consequently circum Manees have long ceased to justify an expectation of any tiiing like ungnaulmity from the leading Liberal journal of this city towards those it esteems HI ne us antagonists It carries on the conflict in a personal tense with an opponent whose hands are tied It h not pleading to MX journalism tlm dirlced These comments have been super induced LJ tho followIng which appeared in life mornings issue of the chief Liberal organ of this I city IVnrosc was not taiien out lo the 1 Penitentiary until S oclock and the action of the officer in allowing him to remain In the city until that hours hour-s severely cniirUal by some Dep uty Marshal Vandercook who bas i dingo of tho office in tlio absence of I Marshal Parsons explained this by I uvms thai the > l eniteiiliirj wagon ad to wait until that limo for n pri oncr wlo was brought up on the I train Vt e Iiojiu the indecent haste xi hiinUd under cover of tIe cxpres Mon was severely criticised by somedid not exit to any extent 1eyoud the corpus of the writer of that paragraph We are of opinion Hint it was confined to the mare Unmanly un-manly and vindictive class of LIberal P Lib-eral to whom magnanimity toward to-ward litlcal j opponents is almost a deadly bane If a little of that lofty sentiment were to Us Injected Into heir composition the effect might lie disastrous so perhaps it may Icu Ic-u ell enough to leave them to wallow in the juice of their own malignity |