Show Wiytont InW tho use of irritating powdur gnufli Ar liquids Elys t1 lf CreardBalroUnsant of application and awre cEllS Sir catarrh and cold In thc ijbehadforSOc Ith easily applied Into the nostrils Is safe jdpeA > a ianil Is curing the alder mostdatiuaternstss J I gives relief lYACB OI L AD AIK R E MEuYPA I I CURE REMNENTLY 1nThrATJsii lO r O1 t5tiiazeurtuuse4 ctJoeeb tnuru Ja C riucbtUre4ae T J 10CDE AT D I 4 Du ii IsCHAIt Ltcmxi q Ir IrI I I e < GREAT PUBLIC SALE CITY LANDS In pursuanceof a Resolution of the City Council of Salt Lake City passed October 22 1889 notice is hereby given that on Monday the 9th day of December 1889 at the front door of the City Hall in said City I will offer for sale at public auction and will sell to the highest bidder for cash the fol i I lowing described lands belonging to Salt Lake City which are situated in the City and II I County of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah described as follows towit I All of lots 12 1 and 4 i block 58 all of lot 4 bock57 a of lot 1 block 8 a of lot 2 block 110 all of blocks 18 153 and 147 a of lot 4 block 161 all of lot 4 block 162 a of lot 3 block 157 all of lots 1 3 and 4 block 158 a of lot 4 block 159 a of lot J block 163 a cf I block 145 a of lot J block 135 ml of lots 2 and 3 block 136 a of lot 2 block 137 a of lots 12 1 and 4 block 138 all of lot 4 block 116 all of lot 1 block 8 all of lot 3 block 86 all i plat D Salt Lake City Survey I vey and all of plat J1 excepting the east calf of block I 10 and the Capitol Grounds IIII I I IIIII t 1Wii 1l1III ITTIH1I 1 I Said sale will commence at 10 oclock a m and will be continued from time to time as circumstances may require The lots in plat 0 are all 165x165 feet and those in plat J range from 50x140 feet to 50x220 feet For further information call at office No2 City Hall FRANCIS ARMSTRONG a Mayor of Salt Lako City I gALT LAKE CITY Utah Oct 23 1SS9 FALL CPENING Z PN j I CLOTHING I L GOLDSMITH CO I Take Pleasure In Informing Their Old Innh and New Customers t1 Cetomer of the New Stock of ALL CLOTHING = Which we have lust Opened In our Grand Establishment ELDREDGE BLOCK and Invite the Public Etablshmont New III I ew Styles as will ho a wi b worn and made up only by Fire Clan Tailoring Eftablbhnionti In the Eastern Cities We can only say that this season Our Stock I Larger and lora Complete Finer Goods and Better Made We hare Succeeded in Getting a Grand Selection of Imported Worsteds and Cheviots 3 rR Pantaloons Prince Albert Suits Sack Suits and Cutaway Frock Suits IN OUR BOYS CLOTHING DEPARTMENT IENT WTtlCn 15 STOCKED wrist MANY STYLES OF JERSEY SUIT In Different Colon Ages from 4 year uj price are E ld ar Much Loiter than Ever Before ITs Call SpecUl Attention to Pant to Look at Oar Beautiful TTTTT STJITS I JERSEY CLOTHS And Different Stylos ARCS 21 to 6 Years T 1 A T > V Look at Our Parisian Stylos H ATS I T Prisian Stylos i iX S I Excellent tho Flnost Hats Best VJ Hat J I M and Correct Styles MEJIS 1 AND BOYS SHOES This U Knr Department wit DL The Best Mike are t b Founc I I with Uf Including BUCKINGHAM It HECHT San Francisco HANAN 8n SON New York York CHARLES HEISER Baltimore E C a Eldredgc oci 6163 if 652Tain StSalt Late City f Z G M I EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATES I Charter Oak AND I Champion Monitor STOVES AND fANGS The Greatest Wcmler of Uio Ago in Stoves are the CLUtTER OAK WIRE GAUZE noon The Champion 3Ioiltor and tho tVONDERFUIj isr 3IILLE1C BROUGHT STEEL RANGE 9t I WE HAE AN IRE LINE OF oHATIG STOVES ° Manufactured 1 l y tin Excelsior MTg Co and Wm Deuce i Co Including PARLC COC S Ou Prices Lowesti the City WE CARRY AN IMMENSE STOCK OF HEAVY AND SHEF HARDWAfL COMPRISING Bar Steel Bar Iron Drive Well Pipe Sheet Iron Barhcd Wire Nails Etc Etc Carpenters Tools A FULL LINE OF oBUILDERS HARDWARE ALSO A HANDSOME ASSOUTMKNt OP TABLE AM POCKET CUTLERY WE JIAVK AlSO A SPLENDID STOCK OF Harness and Harness Trimmings Vc Guarantec ° Good Treatment Lowest Prices T 6 WJUrOSiEiO Supt creht AT p sDLOMON BROS TO > TnIn Street We have Heduced Ou Goods from 10 to 15 per cent mre ne a Call aDd Prose the tae No Shoddy hat S Ntl I fleets aln reliable No butler saIl In tiIubt Support Home Manufacture It means Wealth IVo pcrItf amid Ftauras and will trun laiffwtdr to the community Remember Our GROCERIES at 61 Main St Ire Soldi Cheap aslhe Cheapest with Ire Creau Cep Chrpt Irlul Clir Conreeth > n r7efo GOODS PM1VKBKI FKEB OF GODS nruvanKO CHARGE HDINWOODEY I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FU NITU E I I I I I I I I I H I I II The Largest and Finest Line in the West o < Wholesale a Specialty CARPETS By odds the Finest Line ever brought to Utah including Genuine Wiltons Gobelin Moquettes Smiths Mo quettes Body and Tapestry Brussels Brus-sels Three Ply and Ingrains The Line Embraces Everything from 19c to 300 per Yard WALL PAPER Such an Exquisite Line was never before shown It varies from i 12lc to 1000 per Roll Competent Workmen for Paper Hanging and Decorating HDINWOODEY 3 37 7 to 43 I First South St1 Sat Lake City |