Show FKACMEXTS MiBcnrr liMJS > l ave ZadiMs anJ Il3ael almanacs for IS9 flit liW wit of e li Lowe vs Jh Silt ie JleraM Avas again Iu ttiRn toJay Kfru Judge Zauc < inJajuy i llc Iolicc Court today Charles Diigrn II Walters and O G iJunrk were a essed the u nal I fine for Iving drunk Till jnrty who lost a parcel con Uiuingau overcoat and one other I tiling on the State road csn ob um lib prepcrtjrTjiy applying nt 12S Wg tlink vu4 sixth South SteeL THE i ° P ° ° E the Ninth i Ward lurtni completed their new school i iou e Cuntcmphtc having a social jiitty tomorrow night at 73 on iiirli occasion the hole vard are I invited to be present I THIS aflenioon a man named Malin riding in the Twelftli V1rLI fell from Ilis dray near the Council Ifoujo corner Ito was arried Into Sanders t Cos hide rarcou oand carej for lie lid been driiikiug WM HEAVERS llt iircliiuinary examination r ex-amination for a5IlIlt with intent to kill Edwin Kelly last night Is to take jilaco tomorrow lie is charged with having pre ntcl a pistol at Kellys head several times ana J threatened to shoot him |