Show Fondrrly In It PiTTsncno Xov 20 Htprtscn alive John OBrien thcKnighU of Laber was arrctc l at Scoitsdnle tonight on a charge of conspiracy preferred br cxrtcpncnbiliyo Cal bpilian The Information also Includes In-cludes General Mailer Workman 1 Powdcrly and Peter AVIsc a local labor leader Iowderly will be ar re tul on hIs return from Atlanta and Wise when lie Is found The I suit crew out of letters Poadcrly published in Jutted Later last yesr CfOlapahan also alli rca he was toy cottedand Injured in his business by Uie ICnlghtK of lAbor through influence of Pcwdcrly OBrien ant WIC |