Show Eli lnl HISUAKCK XJX J sov 20btotiu house and setote today gave the entire en-tire lepublican otelo Peareofor the United 1 gtatcsrynalc In joint I session ses-sion tomorrow they will elect him I For tbe second Rnatorthlp Johnson 1 still leads 1tIt05lliho Uio election I t1 led I i will be Uitovn into lie legislature without a caucus choice A new b Into tho Held candIdate brought nb lfL In the person ° f James It Casey of Jamestown ELECTION LAW IX KANSAS ASA Cm JCov 2s1hinlcos the law providloe for Ito holding of elections In this State is changed before be-fore the next election the Prohibition Prohibi-tion party will be unable to place n I ticket in the field A law passed by lie hit LegIslature requires that no political party that did not poll a three per cent vote can place in 81 t Domination candIdates I for onlce At the hut election about 00000 votes were cast of which Prohibition iitacast 5000 I is iiio doubtful I wheUicr lie Union Labor party will be able to place a ticket in the field I Is understood Ihe representatives of this party will test tbe conitltu Uonality I I the law CONTEST IX OHIO COIUJIDUS 0 Nov 20Mar qulB Uio late Democratic candidate for liieutenantGovemoK will contest candidate con-test the election cf the Republican I |