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Show i NOTICE OF BOND SALE, 8360.000.-pO. Millard County Road and Courthouse Bonds. Notice is hereby given that Millard county, Utah, proposes to issue and sell Fifty Thousand (J50.000.0U) Dollars courthouse court-house bonds. Ninety Thousand (890,000.00) Dollars road bonds, the proceeds of same to be used in co-operation with the federal fed-eral and state governments, and Two Hundred Seventy Thousand ($270,000.00) Dollars additional road bonds, the same having been authorized at an election held September 30, 1919. Said bonds vfaTJ be issued payable twenty years after date, with option of payment after ten years, or in serial form, as may be determined de-termined by the Board of County Commissioners Com-missioners after consideration of the bids. Said bonds will be issued in three series. If one or more series be Issued in serial form the bonds so issued shad be due and payable without option of prior payment, as follows: Ten per cent of said bonds shall be due and payable at the expiration of the eleventh year after their date, and ten per cent at the expiration of each succeeding year thereafter there-after until and including the twentieth year after the date of said bonds. Both principal and semiannual interest shall be payable at some bank or trust company in New York City. Bids shall state in each case whether they are for bonds payable In twenty yeajaB, with optional payment in ten years, or for bonds payable serialrv as herein -before stated, and shah specify the rale of interest, not exceeding 5 per cent per annum. Bids may be for one or more of the issues above, mentioned. Sealed bids for the purchase of safo. bonds, envelope marked "Bid for Bonds',"1' will be received by the County Clerk ot Millard county not later than 10 o'clock a. m. on the 9th day of December, 1919.) and wili be opened at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners at 12 o'clock noon of the same day. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check as a guarantee of good faith, payable to the order of the Treasurer of Millard county; said check shall be for Five Huiir dred $500.00) Dollars if the bid be tor Fifty Thousand (550.000.001 Dollars courthouse bonds only, for Nine Hundred ($900.00) Dollars If the bid be for-Ninety I Thousand ($90,000.00) Dollars road bonds to be used in co-operation with the federal fed-eral and state governments only, for Two Thousand Two Hundred ($2200.00) Dollars Dol-lars If the bid be for Two Hundred Twenty Twen-ty Thousand ($220,000.00) Dollars additional addi-tional road bonds onlj, or for tne aggre,-. gate of such amounts if the bids be for two or all of such Issues. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to accept any bid deemed advantageous ad-vantageous to said county. This notice is given pursuant to a resolution ot" the Board of County Com missioners of Millard county, Utah, passed the 4th day of November, 1919. Dated at Fillmore, Millard county, Utah, this 4th day of November. 1919. CARL L. BROWN, " Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Commission-ers of Millard County, Utah. Attest: C. H. DAY. (Seal) ' County Clerk. e360 |