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Show STIFF HI FOB CRISIS Tommy Is Fast Whipping Utahns Into Shape for Clash With Aggies. Tommy Fitzpatrick yesterday sent h!s warriors through one of the stiffest workouts work-outs they have had. in preparation for the Utah-Aggie football game on Thursday. This game promises to be one of the hardest fought battles of tho year, and Tommy Is seeing to it that if practice alone will win it. the Crimson and White team will come off with flying colors. There is a chance that the winner of the contest at Cumminss field on Thanksgiving Thanksgiv-ing will be tied with the Colorado Aggies for the conference title. In order for this to happen, however, it will be necessary for the Colorado Coilege Tigers to win their set-to Thursday with the Aggies, who, at the present time, are leading in the Roekv mountain race. But, aside from whatever relation the outcome of the Colorado game will have as to the cc-ierencc winners, the Thanksgiving Thanks-giving game here will be for the state . college championship, which is. in itself, enough to warrant a deadly scrap between the two Ulah teams. In fact, the interest In the game this year appears to be even greater than it has ever been before, and the largest crowd that ever turned out to see a football battle Is expected to be on hand. The game will start at 2 p. m., giving those people who want the good seats plenty of time to get to the field and ' choose their places. The student bodies will occupv the southern half of oabn bleachers, the "TJ" students on the east and the Aggie students on the west. Reserved Re-served seats will be located in the center cen-ter of both bleachers, and an extra charge of SI will be made for these seats. Auto stalls can be purchased at the University Book store. As a result of the contract drawn up between these two institutions prior to this year, each student of both colleges is obliged to pay an additional sum of 50 cents upon presentation of his student body activity card. Coach Dick Romney at the Aggie cainp is working his men until it gets dark every night, endeavoring to make a quarterback quar-terback who will be able to fill "Luke" Faick's shoes. Glen Dee will probably be. the man that "Dick" will choose to direct the Aggie assault, and this great little footbal.er is expected to pilot his men well. The Aggies will no doubt miss Faick. who has been a world of strength throughout the season, but with McDonald, McDon-ald, Dee and Hanson in trim, the Aggies will have a fcackfield that will be hard to beat. "'There are rumors floating around to the effect that Dee and McDonald will be out of the game, but these are wild mis-guidlngs, mis-guidlngs, and these two stars will be in One lineup when the two teams line up for the initial kickoff on Thursday. Tommv has practically decided to keep Swan in'the backfield for this game, with Thorum at fullback, Romney at halfback half-back and Whitney at quarter. This cora-Knatlon cora-Knatlon has been going good in recent 'scrimmages, and will no doubt start the game against the Aggies next Thursday. This game stamps the season as a success suc-cess or failure, and the men are all determined de-termined to make it a success. The student bodies of both institutions ?.re planning several unique entertainments entertain-ments for the spectators at Thursday's battle. |