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Show 1 1,1 i 1 - . ..... - . THANKSGIVING is the time when the city folk like to " gd visiting. It's the time when everyone prepares for the big eats. Whib many will go to their old homes, others will accept invitations to spend the day with friends. You know what that means. It means that wherever you go you will want to be properly dressed. First impressions are often lasting and the eff-ct of being well clothed is the one impression you want to leave with those whose hospitality you have accepted. Let us help you prepare for a big Thanksgiving Day this year Suits and O'coats, $30 to $60 THE CLOTH CRAFT STORE IN THIS TOWN . i cigarette satisfaction and, my, how you do m cents a package mjL . rr . ' , f J m get it m every puff of Camels! Ip pXPERTLY blended choice Turkish cos yet retaining the desirable "body." M and choice Domestic tobaccos in You may smoke them without tiring jyj Camel cigarettes eliminate bite and your taste, too! Camels are simply a free them from any unpleasant ciga- revelation any way you consider them! O retty aftertaste or unpleasant ciga- t- c . tt odor your own satisfaction you must retty o or. compare Camels with any cigarette in pi Camels win instant and permanent the world at any price. Then, you'll H success with smokers be- realize their superior fl , - , - , Camels arc sold everywhere in scientific- cjvM cause the biend brings out ,BaJed paokBges of 20 cjgr,tt,; or quality and the rare en- to the limit the refreshing paw (200 in . ioyment thev provide fm 0 ne-paper-covered carton. Wo strongly J J J I flavor and delightful mel- recommand iwi cron for i10 home or Camels certainly are all i "' " iow-mildness of thetobac- cfRce ,app r "hen you trveL any smoker ever asked. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Wm.ton-Salem, N. C. f 1 Pimples and Skin Eruptions Danger Signs of Bad Blood Avoid Suffering by Heeding " oaI(S thro"h TJl 5 ' B to the scat of the trouble acting as These Warnings. an antiJote to neutralize the blood n- . noisons. It revitalizes the red blood Pmple, scaly, itohing sk.n, rashes incrcasC3 the flow 80 that ""1 burning sensations denote with un- tho blo0(j can properly perform its ''ling certainty a debilitated, weak- physical work. Tho dull, elflgpsh ene4 and impure state of the blood. The feeling leaves you the complexion "ble i, in your blood and, no matter clears up. Even long standing cases 1 - respond promptly. But you must take 7 w8 fee-ted, you must treat g nsnd 8ubstitutes won't It through the blood. It is a blood dis- dQ Got g S- g, from yollr .Jruggist. You must use 8. S. 8. if you ex- f yours is a special caee and you need certain relief. For cleaning the expert advice, write to Medical Ad- ytem nothing is equal to it. 'The ac- viser, 257 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, tlou of 6. 8. S. is to cleanse the blood. Ua. (Advertisement.) |