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Show Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. Not. 24. trntted States Rureau of Market". I Hogs- Recelp's. ie.1001; 23c to Sic higher. Bulk. $I4.15t14..W heavies. tl4.10tjl4.oO: mediums. $14 254 I LM : lights (144114.50: light lights. $1.". R5J, 14.25 : packing aows. $114(14: pigs. It 2 551 14. Cattlr Receipts. 32.3O0: market, steady to weak. Il-avy beef stirs. .-boli-e anil prime. $1741 1S.": medium and g.sst $12.73(117; com-m-n. $IO.I54t12.ki: light, gnoil and crence. $ia Ml- 1" i-iimmon and medium. $S.15ss 13.25. Butcher cstile- H-lrera. rt 5041 1 1 : rv,v.. $11.40 411225: cancer and eult-r-. $5.t3tj640: eal calves. $13 MVaj6.M: feeder steers. $8413.25: stneker steers. $641 10. 4U. . Slieej Iteceirsts. 8000; market ruostlvt 2.V higher. latahv $134115: cults and common. (f .75.i 12 75 ; ; -,r'i:.g welhers ? 1 o 1 11.7.".. -wes $6ns.2.i; .-nils and common. $34l5.75. breeding ewes. $7,50411.50; feeder Iambi. $11 C 13 25. |