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Show 'INTEREST GREAT IN SHOP SCHOOL Details Given of Short Line Vocational Training Plan at Pocatello. Iptela) t Tbi Trlboas. l'tn'A'I'KLia , UUllO, Nov. 84.- .Much tnu iest Is laken loeally In the unnouncu-ment unnouncu-ment of lien W Johnson, hvud of t he San Kranclr-co offliM- of I ho federal du- parfmont of roojitlpnAi dluoii ion, that ih; Oregon Hbort utii ihopi in tarn olty I ) I ba used tor the Instruction of ap-Pi-entloca In all the biuu'l)t of work liainlled (n (he Hhops, Ineluding chtsseb for i i.i. ii . :i ; . . oar builders, bolltl niak-On niak-On aiol in locomotive work. This school oun bo conducted Independent Inde-pendent ly by the railroad company If It chooses, employing its own instructors, oi' tho company may avail itself of federal fed-eral funds under the Sinit h-llughwa act, by giving tho vocational department jur lsdlciion over the school, which VOUJd place htate technical teachers at regular regu-lar period! in the railroad ibopfl to take chargo of the lnstru t1on of apjireutlces. I Threw plans of procedure ha e been outlined, as follows, one of which will bo adopted: 1. A reciprocal arrangement w Uh tho POOfttellO blgh school whereby rCsUrOAd apprentices will spend one week In technical tech-nical classes at the high school and the noxt week In actual work in tho railroad rail-road shops, An arrangement with tho htato depart de-part me nt of vocational edueut Ion whereby where-by state technical inulructors will go to the railroad chops and conduct classes there at regular hours. 3. Assumption of tho whole task by tho railroad, which wfli biro He own Instructors In-structors and ruu tho school to suit Itself. Tho idea of making technical schools of the railroad shops here comes In an order from the I'ntied States railroad administration, which require that iUI railroads under federal controKinust give apprentices In thnlr shops a minimum of lour hours ot technical instruction each week In the year. State school officials declare, that the plan. If put into successful suc-cessful effect, will make school history in the state of Idaho. . |