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Show PRINCE IS GUEST ' OF ILHB u 'j. Wales Tendered Brilliant State Dinner in Capital a of Nova Scotia. 1 S HALIFAX, Nov. 24. The Prince of Wales was cheered when lie told the quests :it a stale dinner at the Halifax club tonight that he was "intensely Canadian,"' and that ! hoped to re-Stum re-Stum to Canada often and "to travel jjns a Canadian in his own country." j Premier Horden presided. Among the Ssixty guests were the duke of Devon- shire, governor "general of Canada, the lient..'nant governors of Nova Scotia, BN'cw Brunswick and Prince Edward island, and the premiers of the east-lern east-lern provinces. After the dinner the prince and his fisuite attended a state ball at Govcrn-gnvnt Govcrn-gnvnt House. In. his address at the dinner the gjprinco said: U "It is with the greatest regrot that I bid a temporary farewell to Canada gionight after a three months' tour, which I can never forget. This, my 1 first visit to Canada, has done two S things for no, which will influence the je-whole of niv life. g "In the first place, Canada has given Bine such wonderful welcomes through-Bout through-Bout my travels all the way across the dominion from Halifax to Vancouver Sand back, she has shown me such kind- 2 ness and hospitality, she has, in fact, gso thoroughly spoiled me, that I have boen feeling more and more at home Ball the time. The result is that I am Snot onlv intensely Canadian now, but Sthat 1 shall feel a Canadian all the rest of my life and shall never be happy if too many months elapse with-out with-out a visit, to uiy home on this side of Kthe Atlantic. M "The otK?r great thing which this S first visit has done for me is to give Bme a thorough understanding of all Bthat Canada stands for on the North BAmerican continent. I realized that Bpretty fully before I left Ottawa a fortnight ago, but 1 realize it even gmore fully now since my visit to the Sl'iuted States. -' m "You are the guardians of British institutions upon this contiueut and fiyour development as a nation of in-creasing in-creasing power and influence will be Sone of the most . important factors in determining relations between the Brit-jaish Brit-jaish empire and the United States. Xoth-Eing Xoth-Eing can go wrong with the British em-Spire em-Spire if all nations maintain this intcr-SSonrse intcr-SSonrse and understand each other's -standpoint. ' ' |