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Show catod that drastic measures for savin's fuel have been adopted in many cities-Light cities-Light less nights effective in Indianapolis for more than a week, were the rule in practically all cities of the state, and in Torre Haute, It was reported today, elec-rtrlc elec-rtrlc current was being withheld from all industries considered nonessential. In Kvansville, corn cobs were being used as fuel at some industrial plants and were sold at $1,50 a ton. Interurbun lines and railroads continued con-tinued to cut their schedules. In Indianapolis. Indian-apolis. Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this week, all industrial plants will suspend operation. There were no reported changes in the situation in the coal tields of Indiana today. ( onservation Plan in-Indiana. INDIANA POMS. Nov. f 4, Indianapolis today begad Its program of closing stores al 4 V. m . aa a COal conservation meas-iifie. meas-iifie. and reports from over the state Indl- |