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Show enter Germany in small ami scattered groups. Minister of Defense Xoske lias taken the additional precaution of stationing sta-tioning troops in whose fidelity lie lias confidence at points where the anti-government anti-government soldiers cross into the fatherland. fa-therland. Xoske has shown himself capable of beating down German Bolshevism. Bol-shevism. He may be depended upon to deal with equal 'determination with Pan-Germanism run to madness. TAKING NO CHANCES. Picld Marshal von llindenburg has been receiving some rather astonish ing evidences that the German people still consider him very liko a hero. He has been hoched and huzzahed and acclaimed the mightiest general who ever returned at the head of a defeated army, his enthusiastic admirers being, for the most part, students infected by the virus of Pan-Germanism. The field marshal's reception in Berlin reseiii bled that of a conqueror. The Bberi government put a quietus on the dem onstrations when it began to suspect that behind the noisy ovations might bo fourrd a concerted movement in be half of the monarchy. The government moved so swiftly that a Battiral inference would be that it was sure of its strength. Now, however, how-ever, it appears that German financial interests were responsible for tlsc fail ure of the Yon llindenburg ilemonstra tions to develop into something like a real movement for the restoration of the kainer and his brood. And their influence probably will prevent such a movement from assuming any really important proportions in the future. Doubtless many thousands of Germans Ger-mans secretly cherish hopes of a restoration. res-toration. But the first appearance of symptoms of a movement in that direction finds these Germans silent and unmoved. Behind the Kbert government gov-ernment as a buttress is the realization of Germany's substantial interests that a royal counter-revolution would spell complete ruin for the German nation. Cables elaborating the Von llindenburg llinden-burg dr rnruistral ions agree that the fi, nancial interests iu the "republic" havo refused to countenance a movement move-ment against the Klert government, and it takes money to conduct a revolution. revo-lution. This does not mean that tho German bankers arc whole heartedly in' favor of the present government. Krberger's financial program is not at all to their liking, but. Germans who would welcome a change desire it to come In an orderly manner and not by revolution, and If there Is any thing like a well-defined rentiiucnt in favor of a return to a monnrchinl form of government it is to be found tlnotl exclusively among the old militarists and Pan Germans. German business interests tiro more concerned in retrieving re-trieving their fortunes Ihnn in restor ing those of Wilhelm and his prince lings. The Kbert. government is not taking anything for granted. The troops of Von !er 'Goliz, returning from tho Haltic, known to bo nntlgovernmonl and anxious for the restoration of kaUerUm and the familiar gOOIO-Step ping variety of kiillur, are not to be a I lowefj to return a a unit. Thev tvill |