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Show IN THIS DISTKK'T COI'IIT, riimiATIS di ihion, lu in id fur Salt I .:Uf run ul y, Blnl of I'tMii. lii th- m:m..r nf t !, f:;'iito of Aio.;nder l.niniiiicr, di i,L';t.,;cil. - Notiin-. The ji- til ton cf II. i S. IW-y. ndniiif;-tralur ndniiif;-tralur ai tin.- cMHlc h A 'u a; m-i r I 'iiin-mtM', 'iiin-mtM', fl''ca-.(:'(i, lor cnM irina I urn of Ihu sale of tlie iullnwlw'-ilt'Hi.Tih'jJ I'eul t-nlatu of !)iiil (ic'.. used, towii: (.'onnneiii-iiiK' " 1 a point lin fM-t north find 22.U l'.'i:t ' t.'it of Ihn Huulhw.d i-or-ii'T nf hit 7, M(,;l; 4, f i vi;-:n-i'i; pi.U "A," Hi' l'I ' ' 1 survi-y, ii th 1 riinnlrur 'In ii'-r 2'i.: 1 :t; th nr; iioitl) 117 U Ih.'D'-ti WCSt f--i-l, Ih.-Ji.'.: s.outh ii, i"c.-l, to 11." :-., t-o ,,V l..m:i;n,r. Tu.l;!-; j.er wiiij u j ir.hl - of-way ovit a t i) -i -ud s' ret i ii i joj niJi,; I uc hi v - -Hi-riijt d iiio;i'Jly on no;:!, and ov r a U'fi-iu'-t l-y adjohiiM; on lh: s-oulii, for the s'i'n of aid iii.'m !): f"i- lowing t(-'iiis. un.it; 'a:-li 1.,-uu ii.imii--Tr::i'lon of s:ie I y (his u r t , ; i l : . r I'rorn th" rc-lurn ai r:U- f-.l- d In HiIm roiitt, h;is 1 '-ii n:t fur harhi,', o(l l-'ininy, the? Jjd day of Aiik"i.i , A. , ) M;', u l) iiVkn'K a. in. in tip' iin:iity mill !:oi:-1-, ill tlie ruurlro',;.) of i ,iM ';!!, i( !) ; ait Jyl City. J,;.kc ronnly, I lali. Willi- tii" ' l i I: ; ;.;iin conri. with th' ;-".d th vof :hIi;.m, :nii day ul Aiu-usi, A. j.'. j : j C-ealt J. CLAI:K, CMlt. iy :,r. y- n, i p. y ( :. r :;. l'ov.'"-, J llrr Co '.van, A Uoj top iviiuoner. h,'iL |