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Show Indigestion.' "A few weeks ago I used a bottle ot Chamberlain's Tablets when I was hav-;: ins a bad spell of indigestion. Tln'p'( tablets strengthened my Ktomnh arid i toned up my system generally. They are ' easy to take and most effectual," writ ' Mrs. D. S. Dart, Skaneateles, N. Y. l'op sale by all dealers. (Advertisement.)" Meats In Storage ioi ooai etea Live stock is a seasonal crop like cereals and grains. It is" ripe" and is marketed in larger quantities in I certain months. This causes a natural oversupply at one time and a natural shortage at another. During the time of oversupply Swift & Company places some of the meat in cold storage, against the season of short production. 1 This is a necessity in order that the nation's ration of meat 58,000,000 pounds every day in the year I may be forthcoming as the consumer requires it. 1 This is not hoarding, not price manipulation, not I market control. It is mere common sense. f 1 United States Bureau of Markets' figures of stocks I I of frozen and cured meats July 1 are being used as a I basis for Department of Justice investigations in many h cities. When properly analyzed, based on Swift 8c I Company's stocks, these figures show: 62 per cent (approximate) is pork end beef cuts, etc., , cured and in process of curing. It takes 30 to 90 jQ days in pickle or salt to complete the curing process. P 12 per cent is frozen pork, of which more than three- I & quarters is to be cured in the next few months. ' f; w I j 7 per cent is lard. This is a normal supply and only U four-fifths of a pound per capita, and much of it p K will have to go to supply European needs. r 19 per cent is frozen beef and lamb, and miscellaneous meats, part of which is owned by the Government ' fcj and was intended chiefly for overseas shipment. If h P this were all diverted to domestic trade channels it I would be only 2!2 1DS- per capita a 5 days' supply. . I 100 I i From this it will be seen that "meats in storage" I represent unfinished goods in process of curing ij and the working supply necessary to assure the ) consumer a steady flow of finished product. Swift & Company, U. S. A. I Salt Lake City Local Branch. 335 So. Third Street, West I A. Gavin, Manager j i P WHAT BECOMES OfX h K ) x.'X M the average dollar j : t -t RECEIVED BY j j, M1 sviFja company Uww 0- r S U LIVE ANIMAL j O YS WITH X05 PH3F.T "Evesy act consumes energy. ; iff ei man lifts a pound a foot high lie must reproduce In lis B2Z3X3iSZZSS dSfZJS SSESuESaKEESSeSl WfPKt&Vrs-W?i(s:x!ftA jJ'"-,J,JTio-gi7Tjgtj E9aS3 KSXXSMM ' body that amount f energy," i. f 1 r This energy is obtained from food from yjf proteins, carbohydrates and other essential v - compounds contained in Schlitz Famo. hii Schlitz Famq is made scientifically f' I primarily it is a drink, a worth-whik j Jt- n A cereal beverage but finally it is a food. Drink I " ' ' g' frJ r"" It induces appetite, aids digestion, sup ?,cATi! phes the body with muscular energy df and heat. M$J Jfa e Itgivesyouproteinasdoeggs,milk,wheat, TZ ''milw.0'-: etc. carbohydrates as do vegetables and J000ffMi$' cereals mineral matter and water. w'-' Schlitz Famo is refreshing and satisfy- ; ; ' 1 1'j1;!1 -- ing. It is non-intoxicating; good and (If f0 'illlifi!?! good for yu- 1 3l' iifilf.Ri On sale wherever soft drinks $!J$g$r are sold. Order a case from k , Wasatch 2558 SfjQ.m '-isfT 265-273 S. 5th West St' h.i?' PW!? Salt Lake City, Utah ::,: 'iK" If 1 ' |