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Show i il i ;! ' ' i ' X' '--- i " i '.OA ! : I . ; " , - . i 7. i A Jlj I Qisie men you want, it f( I The hunger for music has a way of stealing upon us at 1 the most unexpected moments. Music is a matter of moods, I and moods know no time-table. They do not wait upon the I rise of the curtain at the opera or the appearance of the 1 concert star. At any hour may come your need for music's I comfort. And the answer is always ready in the home where there is a Vicirola. Music sung or played by Victor 1 1 exclusive artists the greatest artists in all the world. 1 Victors and Victrolas from $12 to $950. Victor dealers everywhere. j Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J. I Important Notice. Victor Records and Victor Machines are scien- tTv ,""'''" ''''' I tifically coordinated and synchronized in the processes of manufacture, yf .jis J if jifS: fv'7ffl$SS. i H and should be used together to secure a perfect reproduction. S.:: i&gi &h -.y- .Jm sVk I 1 New Victor Records dcmomtiated at all dealer! on the Isc of cacK month lK?-i. rA-.'J.tf?' L ia g n 4p?vifefi I "Victrola" Is the Registered Trademark of the Victor Talking Machine CompanT JVH'; designating the products of this Company only. iLlziaf TirlwjMo h TTtUim n r .rrflLTTTi rr ?v -rxrr rT' itt.i ri n -i Ttr- r,Tj f r-?;rnTrrr?Jr"'Yt '; fl "'' 1 I itttt-t 7 rTrrin-.-yTTr-T"''' A'- , r -rU- -r,- '-.' -1 . ;Tri'.r t..tt- mm . : 1 . : 1 t : . 1 : . : t n n ; r n rj ? ; ; : r rr ' r : ; . ; n yrrrr-: rr -tt 1 1 . 1 1 T 1 . 1 .' .' I :rJTO:TniI:-:-"i t f Big Idea In 1 i Corn Hakes 1 I hT 2 Tender and 1 : :i sweet and 1 6 a fey ea& o &z&k fo l& |