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Show s 1 mil ft w 1 g m r"43 Miss j -" s J ij Mildred Harris, j: who will leave ' " today for ; I ' 4 ii Detroit, Mich., tf, 'K V J , to enter the ;: Thomas Normal Km ,H'Mi :: " j Training school, j w K'afS, r,i.! i ' ! ! fUfWikl id nt&i $ lany Entertained at Dinner Dance iXY par"es were entertained at (J tM midweek dinner dance at the 1 Country club last night. Mr. and j Peery entertained twenty !s 0ne long table was decorated In n marigolds and blue cornflowers -Md in three mounds, '-.r, were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Wftl- - p-oer Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Irvine, '-rt Mrs Walter C. Lewis. Mr. and ' i M Howell, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mr and- Mrs. Fred C. Dern, "d'll-s J F- K'blej'. Mr. and Mrs. Pocklldge, Mr. and Mrs. Claud W. 1 Mr a'ld Mrs. Harold Sraoot and .-d Mrs Fred Taylor of Ogden. i-'ar.d Mrs. Fred Hale entertained "-or'of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wal-"r,f Wal-"r,f Des Moines. Iowa, who are visit-' visit-' ; and Mrs. George A. Stelner. ! ''.e5!! in addition to Mr. and Mrs. f V and Mr. and Mrs. Stelner, were ,-d Mrs Frank Murphy. Mrs. Stan-, Stan-, c'fars and Miss Kate Groo. The -."tcj decorated in garden flowers. ; piorer.ee Halloran entertained a .." of thirtv-four; Mr. and Mrs. J. ' '.,ih had a party of twenty-four, and IVdMrs. J. C. Veeter entertained six e;'s. i, st st Verne "V. Earls entertained at a ; ..on yesterday in honor of Mrs. A. J. .r 'nhush and Miss Henrietta Hoffman, '",!t"r of Stockton, Cal. Mrs. Earls I. aited bv her mother, Mrs. L. J. ,,-t Garden flowers were used for '','at'ims. The guests Included Mrs. A. p-ihenbush. Miss Henrietta Hoffman, Howard Corless, Mrs. Charles Fow-, Fow-, vrs Andrew .Xeilstrup, Mrs. R. Poul-n Poul-n Miss Alene Mikelsel, Mrs L. J. ait Mrs. E. C. Taylor, Mis Helen ,,Brfle. t(-5 William Bell entertained yester-ir yester-ir afternoon at the home of her mother, rj ' G. Romney, 271 Fourth avenue, a Kensington tea, in honor of Miss imierite Tavlor, a bride of next week. A !'Vl of P'nk and white sweet peas 'm the centerpiece for the tea table, on 'e'jnj' cover. The hostess was assisted fcVr mother and by Mrs. John Q. Ryan , ni Miss Kthelyn Walker. flv-,j has just been received here of fteiirth on August 11 of a son, Laurence frii-yk. to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Morten-formerly Morten-formerly of this city, but now of (Kir Rapids, Iowa. Mrs. Mortensen was fcr.erly Miss Laura Park. ; Mrs. diaries V. Kimball and Miss Tsa-Vilo Tsa-Vilo Haiton entertained last evening at ,ft ;,or:ie of the former in honor of Mrs. Uorard K. Croft, formerly Miss Frances Birtnon. The rooms were decorated in summer flowers. The evening was spent in playing "500. ' The suests were Miss Kmma Williams, Miss Margaret Durant, Miss Theresa Mc-Callister. Mc-Callister. Miss Lucile Ci-oft, Miss Vera Hampshire. Miss Lucile Seare, Miss Ruby Neglec. Miss Riglee Neglee'and Miss Cla rice Wells. The hostesses were assisted by their mothers, Mrs. C. A. Iverson and Mrs. H. J. Haiton, Sr. Miss Bernetta IJndsay will entertain this evening in compliment to Miss Viola Smith, one of the brides of the season. |