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Show HAVERLY IS MISSING; SHORTAGE IS ALLEGED CHICAGO. Aug. 2 f. A reward of 1000 for 1 he apprehension of Paul J. B. 1-Tnverty, grand keeper of records and seal of the Knights of Pythias grand lodge of Illinois, missing since August 6, was announced today by f-'niith L. Von Fopsen nf Beards town, 111., grand chancellor of lhe lodge, vrho ftatod that a shortage of more than f lO.onO had been found in the lodge f u ml s. Issuance of a warrant for arrest ar-rest was authorized by a legal advisory committee appointed by the chancellor. Haverly is said to have been born in Canada, and claimed to be a son of Jack Haverly, a minstrel. He is about 50 years old, and has a wife and child. |