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Show FI POLO CLUBS fiinCUilESTS Valuable Trophies Are Offered To Winners of Specified Matches. V Tribune Special Sporting Service. NKW YOBK, July 20. Five polo clubs - announce tournaments during Tuly ami August.. The Southampton Horse association offers a cup to be played for by teams with an aggregate handicap not exceeding ten goals! no individual to exceod four goals. To bo played on Thursday, July 2.1, ami Saturday, Sat-urday, July 27. Individual cups. Tho Great Nock Polo club offers tho Great Neck challenge cup, open to teams of four, under the existing handicap handi-cap when played for. To becomo the property of the club winniug it three times; to be pla3red for annually on tho grounds of the Great Neck Polo club. A winning club shall forfeit all claims to the cup unless they compote for it each year until the final. Individual prizes added. In 11103 won by Country club. Westchester; 1904. won by Bryn Mawr First; .1005, won by Great Neck; 1906, won by Great Neck. The Point Judith Country club at Narragausett Pier. P. I'.. will hold n tournament from July 20 to August 10, for the following prizes: Narragansctt cups Individual prizes. Open to teams of four under the existing exist-ing handicap. Rhode Island cups Individual prizes. Open to teams of four whose aggregate handicap docs not exceed seventeen goals. No member of the team to exceed ex-ceed six goals. Point Judith cup For teams of four without, handicap. To become the property prop-erty of the club which may win it three times on the grounds of the Point, Judith Country club. To be played for in one tournament only each year. Individual In-dividual prizes added. Open to all. .1S90, won by Westchester (Newport) team; 1000, won by Myopia team; 1901, won by Bryn Mawr; 1902, won by Lake-wood; Lake-wood; 1903, won by Dedham First; 1904, not played for; 1905, won by C. C. "Westchester First; 190(5, won by Myopia Second. Y rcshman cups Individual prizes. Open to teams of four whose aggregate handicap does not exceed ten goals. No member of tho team to exceed three goals. The Westchester Tolo club tournament tourna-ment will bo at Newport, P. I., August 10 to August 17, for the following cups: Newport cups Individual prizes. Open to teams of four whose aggregate handicap does not exceod sixteen goals. No member of the tenm to exceed six goals. Entries close Wednesda', July 31. Westchester Polo Club cups Individual Indi-vidual prizes. Open to teams of foirr under the existing handicap. Entries close Wcdncsdav, July 31. Bronton Roof cups Individual prizes. Open to teams of four whoso aggregate handicap does ont. exceed ten goals. .No member, of .the team to exceed three goals. Entries cIobo Wednesday, July 31. The Saratoga Polo club tournament will be held from August. 19 to August 29, for the following: The Grand Union Hotels cups Individual Indi-vidual prizes. Open to teams of four whoso aggregate handicap does not exceed ex-ceed sixteen goals. No member of the team to exceed five goals. Entries close Friday, August' 9. The United States Hotel cups Individual Indi-vidual prizes. Open to teams of four under the existing handicap. Entries close Friday, August 9 |