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Show LOS ANGELES MAYOR IN CJITM 151! He and Others Have Large Interests In-terests in the Virgin Valley Val-ley Oil Field. Special to Tho Tribune. LOS ANGELES, July 20. Intorost in the new oil strike in Virgin valloy, Utah, which has been mado in tlio last ton days, has stirred oil men in this locality to much enthusiasm. Mavor Harper and his City Hall associates, as-sociates, who own 5500 acres of lana in that vallcv. and from the reports from that locality which show a fabulous fabul-ous oil strike, believo themselves soon to be millionaires, have -organized a company with a capital stock ot $l,oou,-000. $l,oou,-000. Tho company will be incorporated incorpo-rated with the following directorate: Mayor A. C. Harper, th Co!g Jr., Anthony Schwamm and Charles H. Fuller, Police Commissioners; Council-men Council-men A. E. Clnmpitt, W. M. Hura-plircs, Hura-plircs, Paul Screck. J. M. Gardner and Mr. Montgomery. Mr. Screck will act as secretary. Councilman Clampitt, who has been identified with tho oil industry m Los Angeles for many years, and who is a professional oil driller, will take two complete oil rigs to tho now oil fields : nnd put down two wells on tho Harper syndicate ground at once. Oil interests, including tho Standard, havo sont representatives to examine tho new oil fields. Reports from Virgin Vir-gin valloy indicate that tho Hold will provo more of a sensation than tho famous Beaumont field of Tcsas. |