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Show SHAHP DECLINE III THE PRICEJDF WHEAT Longs Forced to Unload Owing to Improvement in Crop Situation. CHICAGO, July 20 The marked ira- firovement reported in tho crop situa-ion situa-ion in tho northwoBtorn part of this country caused a weak market in wheat today and prices declined sharply. At the close September wheat was 1(5) lc lower. Corn was down i)4c. Oats wero off c. Provisions were 2 to 10c lower. Tho wheat markot, savo for a firmness firm-ness at tho opening due to firm cables, was weak all day. Throughout tho session tired and disgusted longs dumped lines of wheat on tho market. At no time during the session was the support able to meet tho selling pressure. pres-sure. So many reports were received from tho Northwest telling of the im- E roved condition of the crop that many olders wero fearful of carrying their wheat over Sunday. From tho south-west south-west came reports of clear weather and a liberal offering of cash wheat. This added to tho weakness and the strike at the ore shipping ports was also a weakening factor, it being thought in some quarters that it portended a tie-up tie-up in tho lake shipping. The cloBa found tho markot weak. September wheat opened c lower to higher at 92o to 93o, sold botweon 91V6c and 93c and closed at 91fiS9lVi c. Clearances of wheat and flour -were 158,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 587,000 bushels against 330,000 bushels on tho same day last year. September corn opened a shade to Vi(5?so lower, sold between 5252c ancf closed at 52Vsc. September oats opened a shade to Vn(aYiC lower at 38c, sold between 3737e to 38c, and closed at 3Sc. Provisions wero dull. September ork closed 2c lower at 16.47. ard was down 70c at 9.3 Op 9.121,6. Ribs 2V25c 'lower at $8.67 (3)8.70. RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. July 905 90i 89 89 Sept 93 93 91 911 Dec 962 96 95 955 May 1.01ft 1.01& 99 998 Corn July 521 521 Big 619 Sept 52i 523" 52 52J Dec 49? 49Z 49 491 May 51 j 51 3 50i 503 Oats July 428 428 421 421 Sept 3Si 3Si 373 3S Deo 39i 39J 381 3SS May 405 402 403 401 Mess Pork, per barrel Sept 16.475 16.475 16.47J 16.471 Lard, per 100 pounds Sept 9.05 9.121 9.05 9.121 Oct 9.10 9.155 9.10 9.171 Short Ribs, per 100 pounds Sept S.65 8.70 S.G5 8.70 Oct. 8.625 S.G5 8. 625 8.G5 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations wero as follows: Flour, easv; winter patents, $4.10(54.40: straights. $3.704.20; spring patents, $4.70 4.90; straights. $4.104vG0; bakers. $2 50 (f?3.50; No. 2 spring wheat. 9Sc$1.00; No. 3. 94991c; No. 2 red. S9901c; No. 2 corn, 52521c; No. 2 yellow, 52;522c; No. 2 oats. 421c; No. 2 white, 43441c; No. 3 whilo, S5c; No. 2 rye, 5055c; good feeding barley, 59G3c; fair to choice malting. 5563c; No. 1 Northwestern Northwest-ern flaxseed, $1.22; prime timothy seed, $4.05; clover, contract grades. $15.50; short ribs, sides (loose). $8.371S.G2i; mess pork, per barrel. $16.30; lard, per 100 pounds. $16.40; short clear sides (boxed). $8.959.00; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.31. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 23,400 21,400 Wheat, bushels 37,000 20.400 Corn, bushels 290,400 655,000 Oats, bushels 178.500 196,700 Rye. bushels 4,000 ...... Barley, bushelB 15,400 0,000 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On the produce exchange today the butter market was firm; creameries, 21 25c; dairies, 18522c; eggs, steady; at mark, cases Included, 1214ic; firsts, 14Jc; prime firsts, 16c; cheese, steady, 12 131c Now York Flour and Grain. NEW YORK. July 20. Flour Receipts. Re-ceipts. 22,800 bushels; oxports, 3765 bushels. Markot was easy and lower to selling. Minnesota patents, $5.005.35; bakers, $3.703.20; winter patents, $4.40 4.90; winter straights, $4.354.45; winter win-ter bakers, $2.104.70; winter low grades, $3.004.60. Wheat Receipts, 72.900 barrels; ax-ports. ax-ports. 32,857 barrels. Spot easy; No. 2 red, 952c elevator; No. 2 red, 971c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, $1,003 f-o. f-o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 985c f. o. b. afloat. Under stop-loss selling, Inspired In-spired by perfect weather conditions West, wheat broke 1 cent today. July closed Xlic net lower, as follows: July, 97c; September, 9SBc; December, $1.01; May. $1.051. |