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Show BEAVER COUNTY ORE. Little Trouble Exporienced in Finding Good Bock in County. Speclnl to Tho Tribune. MILD'ORD, Utah, July 20. Milford 13 ;just beginning to awako from a long slumber and to discover that thero is oro in plenty all around here. Of conrso, tho Cactus, Hub, Cave, and othor properties woro known to bo very rich, and their shipments gavo somo slight evidonco of the extent of the voins, but of lato others have been investigating and nre discovering that theso well-known producers are not the only ones. J. M. Reynolds of Salt Lako is making mak-ing a shipment of oro from tho ITocla, which lies in tho hills about ten miles east of Milford. He lias eight men at work, and has now boen working ninety nine-ty days. In that time ho has accumulated accu-mulated forty tons of ore, which assays as-says $100 per ton. The oro contains gold, silver and lead. Tho voin, which is over thrco feet wide, contains in places 20 por cent lead, and tho gold values are good. The ore has a great excess of iron, and practically no silver. sil-ver. Abo Farthingham is loading a car with ore brought from tho King of tho Hills, which is on tho east side of tho range, between Beaver and Milford. This ts tho initial shipment, and rogu-lar rogu-lar shipments will bo mado from now on. The present shipment amounts to fortv tons of ore, worth $40 per ton. A short timo ago somo prospectors in the hills on tho east side ran onto a voin of lead and silver five feot wide. Pieces of tho rock, a couple of feet square, wcro brought to town and put on exhibition. Thoy Boom to bo half metal. The property is owned by Christie Lcb of Elsinore, Jack Smith-son, Smith-son, Dave Smithson and Harry Keate of Milford. Preparations for making an extensive campaign are almost completed, com-pleted, and work will bo commenced in a few dayB. Theso aro "but a few of many instances. in-stances. In short, it seems as if a man can Hink anywhere and find ore. Word comes from Virgin, about twenty miles east of St. Gcorgo, that copper has been discovered on a ranch near there, and $20,000 has been offered the farmer for twenty' acres of laud. |