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Show CHURCH PLACES BAN OH WflflDNEM OF WDHLB The Miitfor Has Become a Tense Issue at Logan; Bishop's Instructions. Special to Tho Tribune. LOGAN, July 20. Besides tho esoteric Tomplo society thero are two secret organizations hore, tho I. O. O. F. No 43, and Camp 717 Woodmen of tho World. Thcso lodges have mado good progress tho past, two years, and they arc still growing.. This is esvc-oiajly esvc-oiajly true of the Woodmen, Camp 747, which has moro than doubled sinco tho first of this year. This prospority has not been kept a secret. Indeed, it has been heralded abroad, Woodmen having been cagerl-activo cagerl-activo in the interests of I ho camp. Last winter an organization was sent hero, which spent some weeks interesting inter-esting young married men in tho insurance in-surance phase of tlio woodcraft, and with marked success, many accepting membership in tho lodge, thus protecting protect-ing thoir young families, with insurance ranging from ono to three thousand dollars dol-lars each. Four-Fifths Arc Saints, The growth of the woodcraft in Logan Lo-gan has turned the cyo of occlcsiasti-cism occlcsiasti-cism toward tho camp, especially bo-causo bo-causo about four-fifths of tho neigubors aro saints. A murmur of disapproval has gradually gainoci in distinctness until un-til it has become almost a roar. This statement is vindicated by tho fact that last Sundaj- night tho bishop of tho Seventh ward meeting-houso spoke out loud on tho subject, pointiug out a Eromincnt Woodman and roprchending is courso. This good bishop is Christian Larson, a subservient and zealous saint, who is convinced beyond cavil that a man cannot belong to a secret organization, othor than tho Temple lodgo2 and still bo a consistent saint. Ho is so sure on this point that ho has admonished his people .and instructed Woodmen in no uncertain terms, but with no gratifying grati-fying result. Yet no is persistent, and recently is alleged to have called a Woodman to the carpet, "who talked back," alleging that thel'dge in no way abridges his religion; but while protecting protect-ing hia family with insuranc'o, at tho samo time, niakos of tho Woodman a bettor father, citizen, and saint. Tho ecclesiastical pressure is not confined con-fined to the Seventh ward. It is quUo general. Discussion has occurred in priesthood mcotings, resulting in uu alleged al-leged purpose to disrupt tho woodmon's camp. In consequence, several Woodmen Wood-men have boon 'labored with," ono having had it intimatod to him that unless ho gives in, his political chances this fall will be slim. Despito ecclesiastical 7rcssnre. the Woodmen arc gaining in popularity as a fraternity. The public recognizes that thoy do good. They discourago bad habits in men, and encourago them to becomo sobor, industrious, kindly neighbors, caoli man making specific provision for his depondent onos against tho fatal dav. Within six mouths thero havo been tnrco concroto cases, that, of John R. Lamont, who loft his widowed mother $1500; that of George F. Philips, whose wifo received $2000, and tho recent case of Cyrus E. Nappcr, whose wife will secure $3000. Two Reasons Given. Two reasons aro alleged as being given by ecclesiastics why men should not becomo Woodmen; the ono that lodgo claims interfere with the payment of a full tithe, and tho other that insurance in-surance dues keep men from taking protection pro-tection in tho church insurance company. com-pany. It is oven said that agents, representing rep-resenting the church insurance company, com-pany, appealed in vain to Woodmen, oven 'though the president of tho church is at tho head of tho concern. Tlio present furore, though very distasteful dis-tasteful to Woodmen, and distressing to some members of tho camp, will hardly hard-ly succeed in disrupting the lodge. Tho Woodmen will novcr consent to die, as they onco did, without boiho more substantial sub-stantial reason than any yet giveu. Tho camp has moro than eighty membors, and its prospects aro bright with promise, it only the heavy hand of authority au-thority can be restrained for a fow years. Tho neighbors waut trouble with no church nor class of society. All thoy ask is tho right to livo in peace, whilo they vindicate the noblo principles of their fraternity, and exhibit the benefits bene-fits of woodcraft to socio! y. |