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Show H KIDNEYS MAKE ogiVEAK BODIES. , j, rjDiseases Cause Half the t kion Aches and Ills of d mt Lake City People. Jieitm lmlc weakens a chain, w) kidneys weaken tho -whole OFI hasten tho final breaking- etrAk, Htrains, colds and other flU.Kjure tho kidneys, aud when ivity is lessened tho whole ..; from tho excess of uric 0-rculatefl in tho blool. nd pains and languor and rrtf-8 come ana there is an evor-c5.Vte-ncJ0I!c-v towards diabetes P t.iBnRht 9 disease. There is no "tor tho sufferer except kidney afoMttKiflnoy Pills act directly on cia and cure ovory kidnoy ill. lKS1' curos aro '-he proof, .keiley, of 462 Sout Pirst St., nUf City, Utah, says: JrtfiKnpy Pills have been used . iiJ ,r k"lnoy troubles again y l. Wo havo great faith in this 7,2? Jt nns never onco failed ub. "llG--X-nc,COfflJary to R into any 0ff&r"pul',s, but my advice to 00 VAJuenng i rom kidnoy complaint SnriFS? loan's Kidney Pills at Urug Co.'s store and give Jjy a fair test." 8JiLLy all dealers. Price .10 cents. Jsbirn Co- Buffalo. New York, o SSta for the United States. ,,J?hor nameDoa,l's and It's a Good Time Now To Eee us about that Wallpaper or Painting. W. A. DUVALL. Both phones. 110 W. 2d So. Knights of Pythias. Oalanthe Myrtle lodge, Ko. 1, desires de-sires brother knights to attend the funeral fu-neral of Mrs. J. B. Moretou on Sunday, Sun-day, July 21, at 618 East Third South. Hour of services 3 p. m. Try the Vienna Walnut Bread. Ask your grocery for it. Fresh every day. IS Rr creased its popularity where m H a ever it is used. Dollar for dol- n R -"gjS" lar in cost, a ' 4 Rubber Sanded ' ' MR Roof will give longer and bet- B R J er service than any roofing n "Sfr fl 011 tne market. la H tt!7cZr Send for the "Roofing g m I v0!'g0iv I Guide" vhich tells about the 3 M I Xtn QopAHb I best roofinSs' roofing papers, B jG Et I building and insulating papers. ':A t&0oAA It?s free for the askinS witn a M 8 Aspjj&Y J samples and prices. S 11 &OTriTfQ7l i I LAMBERT PAPER CO., I I M Jtiiftn N B 141 Wect 1st South Street, K Wj 'SPj P4J I Salt Lake City. 4 PIONEER ROLL PAPER COMPANY I X c30its?a!ct certain talk and to put the consuming public pub-lic in possession,' of the ttuthf we say in plain wo ds that n .ne in this town can sell as good coffee as AtWckles A.?&osa iot as Mttle money Misbranded and make-believe Mocha and Java, or coffee sold loose out of a bag or a bin, is not as good value for the money, nor can it be sold at as narrow profit, nor reach the consumer., under as favorable conditions. When you buy Arbuckles' Ariosa Coffee you get more than 16 net ozs. of straight, wholesome Brazilian coffee from the largest coffee firm in the world, with that firm's direct assurance that they are giving you the best coffee in the world for the money. IRBUCKXB BROS., New York City. J DAILY BULLETIN of EXCURSION RATES w I EXCURSION TO OQDEN. I Sunday, July 21. Round trip $1.00. Trains at 7:10 and 9:30 fl a. m., or 1 and 4 p. m. Returning leave Ogden 5:10, 5:55 or H EXCURSIONS EAST To Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis and many other i j points, July 25th. I PIONEER DAY EXCURSIONS, Tickets sold July 23 and 24, limited for return to July 25. 0 H Reduced rates between local 'points. m I- 111151 SUMMER OUTING TO NORTHERN UTAH AND jj IDAHO POINTS. 1 July 27th. 1 JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION I Dally Rates, direct routes and via New York and Boston. 1 Ask any Oregon Short Line Agent j for further particulars, R CITY TICKET OFFICE, 201 Main St. j SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY! I irffeiffl ffih For a brand uew Lady's 14-k. Gold 1 I 1 1 jP Hill FiIled Watch eithe1' E1u or Waltham, 1 S with a written guarantee to wear for 1 I 20 3'ears and to keep good time. 1 J AN EXTRAORDINARY BA&GAHN J I I SIBGEL, I R JEWELER AND DIAMOND BROKER, 1 I 175 So. Main St. 1 g Advances tho most, charges the least. I t u A beautiful exMblf of cldldren's'. ? I I dresses at half prices ; I In Salt La.ke City there can be found no better display of dresses for lit- tie girls every new idea represented. New styles, new fabrics, new colorings, w 6 There are dainty little effects in white lawn, .madras and French ginghams, f prettily trhmned with fancy laces and embroidery. Models are sailor, Rus- if sian and Gretchen. Sizes from 8 to 12 years. Yalues $1.50 to $22.00 each. , I fl (JjfjJ. Choose this week at half off. j A Boys' and children's hats, Little girls' jackets reduced. " 1 Including broad-brimmed sailors and small shapes. Also babies' -white piquo coats. Trimmings of but- f , ljl Many neat; canvas hats included also in the lot. tonholo ombroidery on capes. Braid trimmings ,H V Plain colors and black and -white checks. Sizes in white and grey" mixtures. Sizes 1 to 5 years. J Jiy& 1o fit children from 2 to 14 years of Worth .$2.75 to $4.50 each. QQ iH age. Worth 65c each. Choice Tt Choose at JLeCO s Jg0 Walker's juvenile soctiou First floor Annex. Women's lioslery aefi knit "Men's corner", headquarters V l g nitierwear for particular firessers v !' A beautiful line of lace trimmed union Full line of fine underwear for hot weather, a m suits, made by the Harvard mills, "which in- All linen mesh underwear, shirt short sleeved, j jj!) , . in drawers knee length, Q ffA m Hjfo sures excellence. .Styles are low neck and the garment sleeveless, wide Imee with lace trimmings. Lif JQfc grae1ctntbleacbea shirts and drawerB' $3.25 ' ;H Y Eveiy garment carefully finished and per- Medium and heavy -weight natural color g fftf) I A c , cu. T-, , . , dl1 rtn underwear, the garment . . j.'', ?JoJV i j m feet fitting. Prices start at $1.00 the-suit R ,, o1' f, , JW ' benven s elastic scam drawers, gftflR and range upward to $2.50. tho pair .tJJioW J ( H Best French balbriggan shirts and tfj-fl fhfa 1 A Pure silk union suits, verr light, comfortable drawers, tho garment X.W I jrJza -weight. Low nock and no sleeves. gff AA Fancy and plain domestic balbriggan shirts and. H 1 Knee length drawers. The price ipOviJW drawers in regular and extra sizes, (fb I I the garment , jg Silk hosiery, superbe-prices always gnappy styles n8ckwear j 55) A very good assortment just received. ; jH 1 A1thoilkaii? blaCt' ta' naVy $lo50 Brown and white and black and white com- H binations in checks and plaids. Strictly the J An ,si.Ik WacIc' B16' Pink' sk and S2o00 newest things for this season. "We can sell H white, tho pair -m these at each, oOc. I All silk n rouge, wine, navy, black g2.S0 E. and W. collars. 25c each. 0 H and white, the pair V Anw collars o for 25c ) H Jk All silk with lisle soles, black only, M , now fad-leather garters-cool and com- H fflsr the niir SI 50 and ty&ioVl) tortablc for thoso wearing knee length drawers 1 rH F' ' ' the pair, 25c. "Walker's cast aislo !Main store. j "Walker's cast aisle Main store. 1 i $!.75 white serge coats for $8.95 utfo I Sizes for women and misses. Very pretty and stylish. Twent3r-four-inch length, in box A and half fitted back. Black velvet collars greatly enhance the effectiveness. Splendid values CSjN 1 H at $8.95 each. If Pretty shirt waists worth $2.00 Princess dresses at one-fourth off H W each for $1.39. regular prices. J ffl These of fine lawns, front and sleeves Finest Persian lawns aud batistes, beauti- if trimmed with rows of tucks and val inser- fully trimmed with lace, insertion, medal- rij0? tion. Some with handsome all-over embroi- lions and fine tucks. "Worth $20.00 to $50.00 i 1 dery fronts. Remarkable offer at $1.39 each. each. You select at $15.00 to $37.50. W (..xjJj "Walker :s roady-to-wear section First floor Annex. A l) - . m I White wash goods rcteed "Busy tmsemenl" bargains H 4 Regular 10c India linens, special, 6c. 0"cl jars, worth 20c each. Special -fl 7 6 , ,- T t t 1 n 3 for 50c or each " L I Regular loc India linens, special, 9c. Salt .iars. worth 25c each. 1 v Regular 20c India linens, special 12o. Special Avix sfy jH Regular 25c India linens, special 14c. Anierican Family scales, capacity 24 pounds, worth Regular 30c India linens, special 17c. you chooso at .'SCJC yp All white Lingerie batistes at 25 per cent off Asbestos sad irons underpriced like this : K L, PriCGS' ' Regular $1.75 pressing iron $1.25 V . H I All white Persian lawns at a .fourth off get of 3 pressing irons, worth $2.00, spe- - - regular. cjai $1.40 " 1 Entire stock of French lawns reduced a third. Set oC 3 pressing irons, worth $2.50, spe- Entire stock of wash goods reduced half cial $1.85 k jH and less than half regular prices. Paper picnic plates, worth 5c the dozen. 1 h Special 1 fl Turlrish towels go at these reduction: Paper napkin5f orth 5c tho dpzen. 2c I J 18c hemmed towels at 12i2c T,1Sp,ecVnl , " 7 'Z h ' f on 1 t 1 -i i no Black Jack Btovo polish, Tvorth 10c. fj 30c hemmed towels at - 22c Special I 35c hemmed towels at 24c Black Eugle stove polish, liquid, worth U IH jf 45c hemmed towels at 33c 10 . Jk 25c fringed towels at 15o Eutlr0 stock of chafin& dlshes to close at 1 vr Walker 's oast aisle Main store. half regular prices. pf jH Ij Three splendid sales in the rug and drapery department H l Entire stock of cross stripe Entire stock ol: couch cot- All Bigelow, San ford's, 1 curtains, made ol: fine mad- ers and tapestry portieres to Smith's and imported rugs ras, at 25 per cent off regu- go at 25 per cent off regu- reduced 15 per cent this I lar prices. lar prices. week. a' IH |