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Show lie J&alt gnkc giibtm, H K Issued every morning by Salt Lake Trlbuno Publishing, vynipnny. , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pj ' v Dally mid Sunday Tribune, week...? .-5 V t J Dally and Sunday, one month 1.00 Bff j -Dally and Sunday, throe months.... 3.00 B . 5 Oally and Sunday, one year. .4 12.00 ' .Sunday Tribune, one year , 2.00 v f. Sunday Trlbuno, six monthn 1.00 B 1 Ssnil-Weolcly Trlbuno, ono year.... 1.50 1 ' S. C. Beckwltli, Special Agency, Sole B . ;:aatcrn Advertising Agent, Eastern B t iftlco. Trlbuno Building. Now York: Vcstcm ofnee. Tribune Building, Chicago. Hh H i ' I Business communications should bo ad- 9 I .iresaod; "Tho Trlbuno, Salt Lako City, LLHi ft .ttnli." t T Matters for publication, to "Editor Tho H ' Tribune. Salt Lalio City. Utah." H' i A Wlioro The Tribune IB on Sale. i Murray, Utah Excelsior Stationery Co., Ind. phono 177-f. i ; .Provo. Utah A. V. Roblson, 27 East Cen- Hr tor Btrcct. I ; -Vow York Art hu.- Hotallng, Broadway .8 and Thirty-olghtti street; WaldorX- J . Astoria; Imporlal Hotel, , Jt - Philadelphia Ryan'H Ticket Office; Wm, LLH Li Senekolt. ., , , H m -Chicago Palmer House; Auditorium ' i Hotel; O, E. Barrett; Emplro Nows LLH - Stand. n , i u I 1 Washington New Willard: Raleigh; 1 1 f. Beckor & Orndorff, 1-127 Ponn. Avo. . , Omaha Union Station Nows Stand, f . 7 Kansas City M". T. Wright, 612 Main H l street; Yomo News Co. t jl'ortland Oregon News Agency. ' , Loo Angeles Alexandria H6tel; B. E. LLH ' Amos. . San Franclnco Hotel SU Francis: Foster j , & Orcar, Ferry Building; Paronts LLH J Stationery Co. t 'Seattle V. C. Ellis; J. R. Justice! Wil- ! son-McVey Co. . Denver Brown Palace; Kendrlck Book v and Stationery Co.; Julius Black; H. H.1 f P. Hanson. Boise Tdanha Hotol; Boise Book and Ii IUUB1C UO. f "ocatello Chaffee &s Company. J . Ely Thos. Odatovlch: Ely Reading Room. , c r.as Vegas Wilson Drug Co. H r P.hyolKe Sam H. Spears. , , Sofdficld Kunlcr Stationery Co.: Ixiuls 1 Polln's stands. Tonopah A. H. Rounscvlllo; Sherman Is i Old fa then 1 " 1 Ruttc .Tohn G Evans: Koefo Bros. . Entered at the Postofflce at Salt Lake !tj ( City as second-class matter. J Tribuno Telephones. K For nny and all departments of tho j' , -paper, call 3cll phone Exchange 15; In- l dependent phonos 34S. 300 3S4. jji it Ttoc5l?iicquN:iL j" . ' ' Sunday, July 21, 1007. |