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Show II lj OFFICIAL STATEMENT. ' i'' i Y Blame Is Placed Entirely on Drew of ' !'( Freight Train. ' ' ' !j DETROIT, Mich, July 20. A statement 1 ) explaining tho cause of today's wreck j ? at Salem and placing the responsibility wl entirely on tho crew of the freight train . W was given out tonight at the general of- ' flee of the Pere Marquette raiirood in this f 1)1 city. ' "It Is reported," says tho statement, ( "that Conductor Hamilton of tho local freight remarked to the operator at :' 'if Plymouth on pulling out that he thought .) he could make Salem before the arrival i yu- of the special."" ,. C The freight had sixteen minutes time f under the rules by which it shcnild bo , ; sidetracked six and a half nilles from TMymouth Whether the freight mot any j delays on the way, tho statement says. I, 1 has not been made clear and tho special I passenger train passed Salem exactly on nchedule time. The statement says 'iat I f Conductor Hamilton and Engineer Rog- T ers had boon employed on the road slnco t 1902 and 1S09." respectively, and .both nu s had good rocords. |