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Show At Home. SEATTLE. Wash . May S. News was brought from Alaska last night on tho steamer Cottage City of the murder of a ?an.ncr-v Perlntendent, Karl John, by an Indian known us "Shorty," on May 1, near Wrangle. Tho native was drunk and became Incensed In-censed when ordered out of Johns house, "o procured a shotcun and nearlv blew the top of John's head off. Tho Indian was arrested and Is now ln Jail at Juneau. Ju-neau. DENVER, May 9. It wns announced today at the office of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company that 'the strike In the "t1h1rn Colorado coal fields would be settled by June 1, concessions being nade by both the operators and the strikers. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Mav 9. Delegates Dele-gates to the sixth biennial convention of the International Brotherhood of Locomotive Lo-comotive Engineer., which convenes In Vrr Ji y ,next Wedcsday. have already arrived In considerable numbers, and are coming in today on every train. nJi nventIn will last until June 2. ana will pass upon manv legislath-e matters for the good of the order New srand omceYs are also to b6 chosen. I!fno tl,u Italian colony at Pnlermo. fortv miles north of Mobile, stating that Urn colonists are In want, tla the children on are pitiable. An appeal Is made for cX ! ,nachinists' apprentices were Hi m,i-UI at .the LSantn Fe Hh0P" In thin l ew Tim,0rn,,,e ,by, Vice-President Buck- n ?' 7 . me.n ,,Iad Knp l w-ork nt 7 and o'bovJ.ih,et,yJa,d lown telr tools ana obeyed the ordor to strike. WASHINGTON. May 9 John MItcholI Pvr nt of hen Unlted Mine-Workers of America, and President Kleth of tho i-ongshoremon's union, called on President Presi-dent Kooacvelt today. They talked briefly J"1"'! BUbJectfl. but particularly about the situation of affairs in tho mining mi-ning regions of Colorado. SAN BERNARDINO Cal.. May 9 -At VJoi-J? Cl0?V V,,s corning nil the boiler-makers boiler-makers blacksmiths and helpers, 100 In al , employed In the Santa Fe shops here (Jown fholr 10013 nnd walked out. tho ..0.i.haVln,7. bcon c:lilpd ln sympathy with the striking machinists, who went out two weoks ago. orhSINf9T,0N'' .ay 9u-Thc attention of the State department has been drawn to the possibility of rioting nnd looting at Ncwchwang, In the Indefinite Interval .ul,,m'! b,ctwcen tho expected Russian withdrawal and the Japanese occupation of the port. BIG STONE GAP. Va., May 9.-The body of E L Wentz. although partly decomposed, has been fully Identified His revolver, with three shots missing.' and his eyeglasses were found about twentv feet away. y SAN FRANCISCOT May 9.-Tho sentence sen-tence of Mrs. Cordelia Botkln to life Imprisonment for tho murder of Mrs J. P. Dunning was today postponed until May 23. NEW YORK. May 9 -The trcasurv warrant for M0.000.wo on account of the Panama canal purchase was delivered to J P Morgan Ac Co by Secretarv Shaw al the sub-trensury this afternoon. NEW YORK. May 9.-Lcsllo M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treasury, was at the sub-treasury today arranging the final details de-tails of the Panama canal payment. SAN FRANCISCO. May 9.-Oftlclal trial trips of the now Ural-class battleship Ohio will take place m July and sho will bo placed In commission In September. Septem-ber. A force of about COO men Is at work on tho vessel, CINCINNATI, May 9.-Fire In the building build-ing occupied b the Pounds Ford's Sta- i tionery company caused a loss estimated :t $100,000 today. Joseph Vahllng and family of three, who lived on the third floor, had a narrow escape from suffocation suffo-cation and had to be cnrrlcd out by tho firemen. NEW YORK, May 9. The .seventy-sixth .seventy-sixth anniversary of tha Amorlcun Seamen's Sea-men's Friend society has been observed here at the Collegiate church. Rev. Dr. Donald Sago Mackay preached, his subject sub-ject being "What America Owes to tho Sea." SEATTLE. May 9.-Another day has passed without revealing a trace of llttlo Prowltt Baker and detectives aro convinced con-vinced the child Y.-n kidnaped from his home at Eagle Harbor. NEW YORK. May 9. Three trust companies, com-panies, under supervision of the clearing house, announced today their decision to abandon clearing house privileges rather than submit to the 10 per cent reserve requirement re-quirement which becomes effective June 1 ncxL TRINIDAD. Colo.. May 9. A report that the coal strike had been declared off created cre-ated much interest hero today, but tho officials of the fuel company and the United Mine Workers of America hero 1 havo denied tho rumor. j WASHINGTON. May 9 R. A. Lane of 1 Hlngham. Mass., was today appointed assistant as-sistant secretary of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Mr. Lane will discharge tho duties of secretary to the commission until un-til that oflicc Is filled. SAHDA. Colo..May 9. William Ward-Jon. Ward-Jon. National Executive Committeeman of the United Mine Workers, representing represent-ing President Mitchell in the Colorado coal miners' strike, was released from tho hospital today, having almost entirely entire-ly recovered from the assault made upon him recently. WASHINGTON. May 9. The time of' tho Tynor and Barrett trial on charges, of conspiracy in the postoffice department depart-ment was devoted today lo testimony regarding re-garding the time nndLerms of Mr Barrett's Bar-rett's attorneyship for various bond investment in-vestment companies. ST. LOUIS. May 9. Tho first carload of exhibits to reach the World's Fair for Installation was the Pennsylvania postoffice postof-fice car which was delivered at tho grounds on October 29. 1903. From that time until 7 o'clock this morning 483.1 cars of exhibits had been' delivered within the World's Fair enclosure. Almost 1030 cars are yet expected.- KANSAS CITY, May 9. The Santa i-c Railway company was granted a temporary tem-porary Injunction against the striking machinists ma-chinists of the Santa Fe shops In Argentine, Ar-gentine, Kan., today by Judge Holt of the Court of Common Pleas ln Kansas City, Kan. The order restrains tho strikers strik-ers from Interfering ln any way with tho men who are now working In the shops. |