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Show CUMMINGS I I COMMISSION CO. I H Continuous quotations on New ! H 7?rK stock? and Chicago Grain. kg We buy and sell stocks and grain " M on margin or for cash. Our prlvato 1 KM roomn enable our customers to ' fij come in and transact business with us the utmost secrecy, BR Write or call for our Book of In- E? ra formation ("System of Specula- ? M h J;re ."Pon application. , ? H ?.00rns 209-210-211-212 D. F. Walker i r block 0 ,,?mbcs SaU Lake Stock snd fi W Mining Exchange. 'Phono 699. g DELINQUENT SALE. Galena Mlno. Principal placo of business. busi-ness. Salt Lake City, Utah, notice. There are delinquent upon the following-ucscrlbed following-ucscrlbed etock on account of assessment Ino. 11, levied April 2. 1904, tho several nmountB set opposlto the nnmes of the respective re-spective shareholders, as follows: SA Q,?nm-C'v. Shares. AmL Juerl a'" 100 2.00 ibor5 ,Iayera 200 4JO 333 Albert Mayers 100 ".Tjo 340 Albert Mayers CO i'oo 3& Albert Mayers 100 (O Albert Mayera 300 cloo oZi l J Roed m y) 639 Maurice Loeb 500 lo!(0 UST?0flph l.WO 2).0O r$ eUTU iC7hn 3,30 6.00 646 P. J. Reld 1 0' 61 H. T Spencer 863 17.33 62 Jonas Joseph ill 2 22 694 Albert Mayers 91 i'gjt 734 Maurice Loeb 65 110 H. T Spencer 5,820 116.40 i94 Albert Mayers 100 2 00 929 Aaron Keyaor , 4,921 98 4 948 Aaron Kcysor .2,100 42 (0 968 Qara Little '. 333 6 66 969 Romania Little 333 6.60 970 Feramorz Llttlo 833 6.66 971 Decker Little 331 6 63 1029 H. B Kooser 500 10 00 1160 J. and J. Joaeph 4S9 9.7S And In accordance with law and an order or-der of the board of directors madb April 2, 1904, so many chares of each parcel of such stock as may bo necessary will be sold at tho company's office, 617 McCornlck Block, Salt Lake City. Utah, on tho 2Sth day of May, 1901. at 10 a. m., to pay delinquent de-linquent assessments thereon, together with tho costs of advertising and expenso of sale. E. H. MEAD, Secretary Office. 617 McCornlck Block. w719 |