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Show SPRING CAMPAIGN AT STOCKTON Never has there been so much activity activ-ity in the mining camps surrounding Stockton as at present. Very little has been said about the activity in the Honciine of late, but on the quiet and without any blare of trumpets the owners and management for three months have been showing and are now giving evidence- of unusual development. devel-opment. The statement was made yesterday yes-terday that the Honerine Is now turning turn-ing out, about fifty tons of lead per day, or one-sixth of the entire product Of Utah, About eighty or ninety men are employed above and under ground. The management has expended about $76Q,000 upon the tunnel, which Is now practically completed, and In tho erection erec-tion of one of the most modern mills in the intermountain region. It Is reported re-ported that the run of the mine will average 15 per cent lead and about equal value of sliver. Tho ore sent to the smelter is abopt equul In value to the best In the State. It Is understood that, as a result of the visit of the dl stlngulshed Indiana gentlemen who are here at present, the Black Diamond will soon acquire additional addi-tional property and begin in earnest the progress upon various well-defined veins. The Black Diamond has been drifting about 500 feet above the Honerine Hon-erine tunnel.whlch is to drain the former's for-mer's property and afford an outlet to the mill for its ore. It is reported that not a house Is to be rented or, purchased In Stockton, and the hotel's nnd boarding-places are said to be taxed to .their fullest capacity. capa-city. Much work in the way of prospecting pros-pecting and development In new territory terri-tory Is to be entered upon this summer. |